Issue | Version | Title |
PG-2885 | 2024.26 | FIX: Package downloads for uncached Rust Crates packages can fail for some connectors |
PG-2891 | 2024.26 | FIX: npm connectors that use bearer tickets may fail to authenticate (regression from 2024.21) |
PG-2878 | 2024.26 | FIX: Add support for conan file list API |
PG-2892 | 2024.26 | Add disableApiV2/useApiV3 to NuGet feeds in FeedsAPI |
PG-2883 | 2024.26 | FIX: ProGet Free may incorrectly resolve Feed-Scoped permissions |
PG-2876 | 2024.26 | Add "track_features" and "app_own_environment" to Conda repodata.json index |
PG-2890 | 2024.26 | FIX: Issues Created in Build Notifier may trigger too often and have error |
PG-2888 | 2024.26 | FIX: Incorrect extension for some conda packages in Web UI |
PG-2887 | 2024.26 | FIX: Work-around for certain SqlServer versions choosing wrong index on some NuGet feed queries |
PG-2886 | 2024.26 | FIX: [Cargo] Packages with 3 or less characters may fail to download from ProGet |
PG-2884 | 2024.26 | FIX: Error parsing Universal Packages with unexpected createdDate format |
BM-3971 | 2024.3 | FIX: Cannot create Git monitors on Pipeline-targeting Builds |
BM-3972 | 2024.3 | FIX: Global deploys page displays 404 |
OT-517 | 2024.4 | FIX: Invalid cast from 'System.String' to 'Inedo.Data.VarBinaryInput' with NativeAPI |
OT-519 | 2024.4 | Upgrade InedoLib to v982.0.8 |
OT-515 | 2024.3 | FIX: Improper output encoding in Execution Details page |
OT-514 | 2024.3 | FIX: Execute Permissions Missing for XYZ Procedure may occur |
PG-2881 | 2024.25 | Upgrade InedoLib to v982.0.7 |
PG-2882 | 2024.25 | Added back Docker support to the Repackage API |
PG-2880 | 2024.25 | FIX: Package downloads for uncached packages can fail for some connectors |
PG-2879 | 2024.25 | FIX: Connector to another npm feed in ProGet does not show results in UI |
PG-2866 | 2024.25 | Add support to download latest, latest-unstable in common packages download endpoint |
PG-2873 | 2024.25 | FIX: npm tags may fail to replicate between some versions of ProGet |
PG-2875 | 2024.25 | FIX: Dockerhub-hosted OCI-based Helm Charts may error on download |
PG-2855 | 2024.25 | Add "Pull Image" from Connector for Docker Feeds |
PG-2874 | 2024.25 | FIX: Error exporting SBOM imported from CycloneDX with improperly configured external references |
PG-2872 | 2024.25 | FIX: NuGet packages may continuously rereplicate with certain combinations legacy versions and remote versions of ProGet |
PG-2871 | 2024.25 | FIX: [SCA] Certain importing certain SBOMs may throw `Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Latest_Version', table` exception |
PG-2870 | 2024.25 | FIX: [npm] Some local packages my throw missing required properties when the feed includes a connector to |
OT-513 | 2024.2 | FIX: Error when re-running a job from History which has a blank/empty template variables |
PG-2867 | 2024.24 | FIX: UPack feeds may not always replicate all new packages [regression] |
PG-2863 | 2024.23 | Add ability to store constructed virtual packages to reduce download time on Universal Package Feeds |
PG-2865 | 2024.23 | FIX: npm manifest with duplicate keys will return same key added error |
PG-2862 | 2024.23 | Improve npm connector tag aggregation behavior |
PG-2860 | 2024.23 | FIX: [npm] Some connector packages may not load due to date parsing issue |
PG-2861 | 2024.23 | FIX: Universal Feeds with Unlisted Packages may have errors in API, UI |
PG-2859 | 2024.23 | FIX: Add Support for Invalid POM files on Maven (New) Feeds |
PG-2864 | 2024.23 | Add support for downloading OCI-based Helm Charts through connectors |
PG-2858 | 2024.22 | Add New Feed Type: Composer (php) |
PG-2839 | 2024.22 | Update Build Audit Endpoint for pgutil builds audit |
PG-2857 | 2024.22 | FIX: npm package downloads can fail when proxied through a connector with no caching |
PG-2856 | 2024.22 | FIX: Replication may fail for some artifacts in Maven2 feeds |
PG-2854 | 2024.22 | Add New Feed Type: Conan (C++) |
PG-2852 | 2024.22 | Vacuum Debian index files after large updates |
PG-2851 | 2024.22 | FIX: npm search may produce JSON error in logs with certain connectors |
PG-2850 | 2024.22 | FIX: Duplicate key error when deactivating a build |
PG-2849 | 2024.22 | Export External references when specified in source SBOM files |
BM-3970 | 2024.2 | FIX: Creating New Prompt Variables may not set Prompt at value |
PG-2835 | 2024.21 | Add Disabled (block promotion from this feed) option |
PG-2834 | 2024.21 | FIX: Ignore invalid entries in Debian Index files used by Connectors |