Welcome to MyInedo! Support tickets are for paid users only. We really appreciate users of our free software, and our engineers and other users are on the Inedo Forums and can help you there. If we can't find a paid license, we will likely ask you to post on there, anyways.
You are currently not logged in, so if you submit a ticket, it will only be visible to you or your organization only through email unless it gets manually associated with your account in the future. To associate a support ticket with a MyInedo account, please log in or create a new account .
Additionally, once you have created an account, submitting a captcha will no longer be required.
Submit Ticket Note: the latest version of BuildMaster is 24.0.4. You may want to check out the release notes page to see if your issue has been fixed in a newer version.
Note: the latest version of ProGet is 24.0.28. You may want to check out the release notes page to see if your issue has been fixed in a newer version.
Note: the latest version of Otter is 24.0.4. You may want to check out the release notes page to see if your issue has been fixed in a newer version.
Which product can we help with? Other BuildMaster ProGet Otter
What is your email address? This email address will be the primary means of communication for this ticket. If you would like to track the status of this ticket on MyInedo (or grant others in your organization to it), please log in, or feel free to create a MyInedo account before submission.
What version does this affect? This can be found in the lower-right of any page in the software.
How can we help? (in brief) Please describe what you need in brief (few words).
Severity Major - application issue that has moderate impact to the business Minor - minor loss of function; other problem with an easy workaround Trivial - cosmetic problem like misspelled words or misaligned text
BLOCKER Ticket Guidelines This status is appropriate for when your systems are down and you need help ASAP.
Please try to provide us with as much information as possible, so we can come up with a way to get things working again. Our mission will be to help you get the system back up and running, which will likely involve restarting servers, downgrading, working with your network operations team, etc.
BLOCKER tickets will be dispatched to personal phones of all engineers and the CEO. We may not be near a computer, but we'll do our best to reply from our phones, so we apologize for the hastily-written responses in advance.
CRITICAL Ticket Guidelines This status is appropriate for when a major issue just started occurring (slowness, constant errors, etc.) and it's causing some serious problems for your team
Please try to provide us with as much information as possible - including what kind of problems this is causing for your team. We'll study what you send us and try to think of a workaround that you can try. This will likely involving disabling something until we can figure out what the issue is.
CRITICAL tickets will be dispatched to personal phones of all engineers and the CEO. We may not be near a computer, but we'll do our best to reply from our phones, so we apologize for the hastily-written responses in advance.
Install type I'm not sure / unknown Inedo Hub - Used the Inedo Hub to install or upgrade your product Docker/Linux - Currently running your product using docker, docker compose, kubernetes, or another container based platform Legacy (Traditional) Installer - Used the legacy traditional installer to install or upgrade your product Manual - Downloading the manual install files and setup your product using the manual install guide
Please add any details that might help us help you. For example, what are you trying to do and what's happening? What has changed recently? What specific error messages are you seeing?
Please attach any files (screenshots, log texts, etc) that you think might help us to help you.
Additional Contact Info If this is an urgent issue, please consider including a phone number, Skype name, or an alternative way to contact you.
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