Issue | Version | Title |
PG-2900 | 2024.29 | FIX: New Patch Version policy may cause display issue for new Maven feeds |
PG-2916 | 2024.29 | FIX: Older NuGet packages with invalid/unexpected Metadata cause may cause download and browsing issues (regression) |
PG-2917 | 2024.29 | FIX: NuGet packages are not purged from a deleted feed even if the option to purge them is selected |
PG-2912 | 2024.29 | Add support for cloud file systems to Maven Classic/New Feed converter |
PG-2915 | 2024.29 | FIX: Improve handling for PyPi indexes with improperly escaped attribute values |
PG-2914 | 2024.29 | FIX: npm publish may fail for some packages on certain server configurations |
PG-2913 | 2024.28 | Asset Directories may return "FOR XML could not serialize the data for node" error for certain Asset Items. |
PG-2911 | 2024.28 | NuGet Feed Performance Improvements (including Change JSON Library) |
PG-2869 | 2024.27 | Expose additional procedures to the Native API |
PG-2909 | 2024.27 | FIX: New Maven feeds do not allow HEAD requests |
PG-2908 | 2024.27 | FIX: npm API may error when invalid versions were in database prior to ProGet 2022 |
PG-2907 | 2024.27 | FIX: Buffer entire input stream from npm publish command |
PG-2898 | 2024.27 | FIX: Docker feed replication should not include cached images |
PG-2901 | 2024.27 | FIX: Exclude npm tags from replication for cached packages |
PG-2906 | 2024.27 | FIX: SCA Build Promote may return 500 via API and pgutil |
PG-2905 | 2024.27 | FIX: npm packages with invalid scope names fail to download |
PG-2904 | 2024.27 | Add CVSS 4.0 Support |
PG-2903 | 2024.27 | FIX: Error on Conda Feeds repodata.json for some channels prevent package installation (Regression from PG-2876) |
PG-2902 | 2024.27 | FIX: Renaming Assets are not using a feed-scoped security check |
PG-2893 | 2024.27 | FIX: formatting issue for connector Cargo package descriptions |
PG-2896 | 2024.27 | FIX: [SCA] Deleting a Project that contains issues may throw cannot insert duplicate key issues. |
PG-2899 | 2024.27 | FIX: npm login may return a 401 for valid logins |
PG-2897 | 2024.27 | FIX: Docker images with a fat manifest may cause replication failure |
PG-2895 | 2024.27 | FIX: Maven (new) Feed Index May Fail to Generate Due to Invalid Artifact Packaging Format |
PG-2894 | 2024.27 | FIX: Error on Vulnerability Assessment Types when multiple policies override same assessment |
PG-2885 | 2024.26 | FIX: Package downloads for uncached Rust Crates packages can fail for some connectors |
PG-2891 | 2024.26 | FIX: npm connectors that use bearer tickets may fail to authenticate (regression from 2024.21) |
PG-2878 | 2024.26 | FIX: Add support for conan file list API |
PG-2892 | 2024.26 | Add disableApiV2/useApiV3 to NuGet feeds in FeedsAPI |
PG-2883 | 2024.26 | FIX: ProGet Free may incorrectly resolve Feed-Scoped permissions |
PG-2876 | 2024.26 | Add "track_features" and "app_own_environment" to Conda repodata.json index |
PG-2890 | 2024.26 | FIX: Issues Created in Build Notifier may trigger too often and have error |
PG-2888 | 2024.26 | FIX: Incorrect extension for some conda packages in Web UI |
PG-2887 | 2024.26 | FIX: Work-around for certain SqlServer versions choosing wrong index on some NuGet feed queries |
PG-2886 | 2024.26 | FIX: [Cargo] Packages with 3 or less characters may fail to download from ProGet |
PG-2884 | 2024.26 | FIX: Error parsing Universal Packages with unexpected createdDate format |
PG-2881 | 2024.25 | Upgrade InedoLib to v982.0.7 |
PG-2882 | 2024.25 | Added back Docker support to the Repackage API |
PG-2880 | 2024.25 | FIX: Package downloads for uncached packages can fail for some connectors |
PG-2879 | 2024.25 | FIX: Connector to another npm feed in ProGet does not show results in UI |
PG-2866 | 2024.25 | Add support to download latest, latest-unstable in common packages download endpoint |
PG-2873 | 2024.25 | FIX: npm tags may fail to replicate between some versions of ProGet |
PG-2875 | 2024.25 | FIX: Dockerhub-hosted OCI-based Helm Charts may error on download |
PG-2855 | 2024.25 | Add "Pull Image" from Connector for Docker Feeds |
PG-2874 | 2024.25 | FIX: Error exporting SBOM imported from CycloneDX with improperly configured external references |
PG-2872 | 2024.25 | FIX: NuGet packages may continuously rereplicate with certain combinations legacy versions and remote versions of ProGet |
PG-2871 | 2024.25 | FIX: [SCA] Certain importing certain SBOMs may throw `Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Latest_Version', table` exception |
PG-2870 | 2024.25 | FIX: [npm] Some local packages my throw missing required properties when the feed includes a connector to |
PG-2867 | 2024.24 | FIX: UPack feeds may not always replicate all new packages [regression] |
PG-2863 | 2024.23 | Add ability to store constructed virtual packages to reduce download time on Universal Package Feeds |
PG-2865 | 2024.23 | FIX: npm manifest with duplicate keys will return same key added error |
PG-2862 | 2024.23 | Improve npm connector tag aggregation behavior |
PG-2860 | 2024.23 | FIX: [npm] Some connector packages may not load due to date parsing issue |
PG-2861 | 2024.23 | FIX: Universal Feeds with Unlisted Packages may have errors in API, UI |
PG-2859 | 2024.23 | FIX: Add Support for Invalid POM files on Maven (New) Feeds |
PG-2864 | 2024.23 | Add support for downloading OCI-based Helm Charts through connectors |
PG-2858 | 2024.22 | Add New Feed Type: Composer (php) |
PG-2839 | 2024.22 | Update Build Audit Endpoint for pgutil builds audit |
PG-2857 | 2024.22 | FIX: npm package downloads can fail when proxied through a connector with no caching |
PG-2856 | 2024.22 | FIX: Replication may fail for some artifacts in Maven2 feeds |
PG-2854 | 2024.22 | Add New Feed Type: Conan (C++) |
PG-2852 | 2024.22 | Vacuum Debian index files after large updates |
PG-2851 | 2024.22 | FIX: npm search may produce JSON error in logs with certain connectors |
PG-2850 | 2024.22 | FIX: Duplicate key error when deactivating a build |
PG-2849 | 2024.22 | Export External references when specified in source SBOM files |
PG-2835 | 2024.21 | Add Disabled (block promotion from this feed) option |
PG-2834 | 2024.21 | FIX: Ignore invalid entries in Debian Index files used by Connectors |
PG-2848 | 2024.21 | FIX: Docker history entries may not line up correctly with layer listing in UI |
PG-2847 | 2024.21 | FIX: Only latest version of local helm chart is returned in yaml index |
PG-2846 | 2024.21 | FIX: Debian connectors to indexes with duplicate package entries fail with exception |
PG-2843 | 2024.21 | FIX: Error pulling multi-file PyPi packages in web UI |
PG-2845 | 2024.21 | Improve login support for npm feeds |
PG-2791 | 2024.21 | FIX: npm v9+ errors on search command due to missing metadata |
PG-2844 | 2024.21 | FIX: APK connector packages missing metadata from some sources |
PG-2842 | 2024.21 | Added Maven (Classic) feed migration tool |
PG-2838 | 2024.21 | FIX: Analysis should not fail if there are errors retrieving Remote OSS Metadata during build analysis |
PG-2840 | 2024.21 | FIX: Error creating subfolder in asset directory when deleted subfolder exists with different casing |
PG-2837 | 2024.21 | FIX: Helm Charts with invalid manifests should not create an invalid index |
PG-2832 | 2024.21 | Increase compatibility of patch version handling for certain feed types |
PG-2836 | 2024.21 | FIX: Assigning licenses to certain packages with unknown licenses includes file qualifier |
PG-2833 | 2024.20 | FIX: Packages always analyzed as Unlisted and Deprecated when first uploaded or pulled to ProGet |
PG-2822 | 2024.20 | Rename "CEIP to "Log Collection & Transmission" |
PG-2823 | 2024.20 | Minor UI Improvements to Diagnostic Center |
PG-2827 | 2024.20 | FIX: Bypass case sensitivity wrapper for Docker feed storage |
PG-2831 | 2024.20 | Add local index file support to rpm feeds to improve connector performance |
PG-2826 | 2024.20 | New Feed Type: Terraform Modules |
PG-2830 | 2024.20 | New Feed Type: Cargo Crates (Rust) |
PG-2829 | 2024.20 | FIX: Validator on Create New Build Page may report build already exists |
PG-2828 | 2024.20 | FIX: Maximum stanza length sanity check value is too low for reading some Debian control headers |
PG-2803 | 2024.20 | FIX: Database Performance Improvements (InedoLib Upgrade) |
PG-2825 | 2024.19 | FIX: CRAN Packages with Multiple DESCRIPTION files may fail to be read |
PG-2817 | 2024.19 | IWS SSL Certificates - Add option to use thumbprint |
PG-2824 | 2024.19 | FIX: Error importing npm packages with duplicate build metadata from ProGet 2022 Data Migration |
PG-2821 | 2024.19 | FIX: rpm packages may be created with incorrect file name when using bulk import |
PG-2819 | 2024.18 | FIX: Helm Index.yaml is empty when an artifact hub is not specified |
PG-2818 | 2024.18 | FIX: SCA Build Status/Stage Reset when Importing new SBOM |
PG-2820 | 2024.18 | FIX: Helm feeds throw Cannot insert the value NULL when download statistics are enabled |
PG-2812 | 2024.17 | FIX: Pull NuGet Package Page Errors with V3-only feeds |
PG-2816 | 2024.17 | Add OSS Metadata Caching support to Ruby Gems |
PG-2815 | 2024.17 | Add Support for Connector (Helm Feeds) |
PG-2813 | 2024.17 | FIX: Replication may fail in NuGet feeds where some packages have v1.0.0.0 and others have v1.0.0 |
PG-2814 | 2024.17 | FIX: List License Packages Page Errors when License has no SPDX code |
PG-2810 | 2024.16 | FIX: Individual feed download records not recorded for some types |
PG-2806 | 2024.16 | FIX: Visual Studio may not display custom deprecation messages for NuGet packages |
PG-2811 | 2024.16 | FIX: Error importing Artifactory repository into new Maven feeds |
PG-2808 | 2024.16 | Conda feed connector improvements (local file indexing) |
PG-2809 | 2024.16 | FIX: OSS Metadata Caching may not detect latest patch version |
PG-2807 | 2024.16 | Add ability to Delete/Create Debian Signing Key |
PG-2805 | 2024.16 | FIX: [SCA API] Promote Build may not promote the build |
PG-2804 | 2024.16 | FIX: Improve corruption detection for asset replication |
PG-2801 | 2024.15 | FIX: VSIX Connectors throw duplicate key exception |
PG-2795 | 2024.15 | Remove ImplicitlyDenied connector filter rule |
PG-2802 | 2024.15 | FIX: Improve HTTP error handling in replication client |
PG-2799 | 2024.15 | FIX: Replication of nonnormalized NuGet versions from ProGet 2023 may fail |
PG-2800 | 2024.15 | FIX: Cannot specify an API key as a query string parameter when using the Asset Directory API |
PG-2798 | 2024.15 | Add Direct Download (Artifact Import) Support for Maven (New) Feeds |
PG-2797 | 2024.15 | Add OSS Metadata Caching Support to Maven (New) Feeds |
PG-2796 | 2024.15 | Improve MavenIndex Download Visibility for New Feed Connectors |
PG-2792 | 2024.15 | Feed Management API Returns Empty Type on Maven2 and new feeds |
PG-2794 | 2024.15 | Add Simulated Directory Browsing to Maven (New) Feeds |
PG-2788 | 2024.14 | FIX: Some NuGet packages with nonstandard versions may continuously replicate between ProGet 2023 and ProGet 2024 |
PG-2776 | 2024.14 | Display Deployment Records for Docker images on Usage Tab |
PG-2793 | 2024.14 | Add "Maven (New)" Feed Type |
PG-2790 | 2024.14 | FIX: Unable to use Entra ID credentials for silent ProGet installs |
PG-2789 | 2024.14 | FIX: Add more robust error handling for docker blob scanner |
PG-2784 | 2024.14 | Re-Add Cache Headers to PyPi Package Download Endpoint (PG2024 Regression) |
PG-2787 | 2024.14 | FIX: Package history for UPack packages doesn't display who performed the action |
PG-2785 | 2024.14 | FIX: Event log entries do not contain the API ID if it lacks a display name |
PG-2783 | 2024.14 | Add packages and builds by license to license overview page |
PG-2782 | 2024.14 | Improve license detection for Remote Metadata Caching |
PG-2769 | 2024.13 | FIX: Range Syntax for Policy Exceptions |
PG-2780 | 2024.13 | FIX: Pypi Connectors Not Respecting Connector Filters on Download |
PG-2779 | 2024.13 | FIX: TarException may occur when scanning a Docker image |
PG-2781 | 2024.13 | FIX: Docker image promotion does not record username from Personal API Key |
PG-2777 | 2024.13 | FIX: Docker Feeds using connectors may report inaccurate size on homepage dashboard |
PG-2778 | 2024.13 | FIX: Vulnerabilities without a fix version may not link properly to packages |
PG-2774 | 2024.13 | FIX: License usage dashboard improperly reports noncompliant license usage in project builds |
PG-2773 | 2024.13 | FIX: Add additional index to DockerBlobs to improve database query performance |
PG-2772 | 2024.13 | FIX: Error retrieving private package when connector is used |
PG-2766 | 2023.43 | Add the ability to specify a Package Filter to all feed types for replication [2023 backport] |
PG-2728 | 2023.42 | [Edge Dashboard] Add last synced content date to table. |
PG-2759 | 2023.42 | FIX: Large packages may try to unnecessarily rereplicate in some feeds [2023 backport] |
PG-2757 | 2023.42 | Map $PackageId to Docker image Digest |
PG-2685 | 2024.12 | Add New Version Exists Patch Rule |
PG-2770 | 2024.12 | FIX: Invalid Range Syntax causes Policies to fail to load |
PG-2768 | 2024.12 | OSS Metadata Caching [2025 Preview Feature] |
PG-2767 | 2024.12 | FIX: Error when trying to view details for successful webhook dispatch |
PG-2760 | 2024.12 | Add the ability to specify a Package Filter to all feed types for replication |
PG-2761 | 2024.12 | FIX: Connector filters allow/block do not override as expected |
PG-2764 | 2024.12 | FIX: Tags on npm packages are not always replicated from remote feeds |
PG-2763 | 2024.12 | [Edge Dashboard] Add last synced content date to table. |
PG-2762 | 2024.12 | FIX: [IIS Only] URLs that contain the word `bin` are blocked |
PG-2758 | 2024.12 | FIX: Large packages may try to unnecessarily rereplicate in some feeds |
PG-2755 | 2024.12 | Add Support for Custom Certificate Stores |
PG-2756 | 2024.12 | FIX: newer versions of npm client may not detect complex version ranges in npm audit endpoint |
PG-2752 | 2024.11 | Add Pub (Dart/Flutter) Feed Type |
PG-2745 | 2024.11 | FIX: Enabling "Map SAML groups to ProGet groups" may error when group claims are not sent |
PG-2742 | 2024.11 | FIX: Docker feeds should not be selectable when using JFrog Repository migration tool |
PG-2754 | 2024.11 | FIX: [Edge Dashboard] Errors may display incorrectly |
PG-2751 | 2024.11 | FIX: Error message should not be logged for failure to scan non-tar docker blobs |
PG-2750 | 2024.11 | FIX: Docker garbage collection misses unreferenced blobs if they are not stored in common blob storage |
PG-2749 | 2024.11 | FIX: npm results improperly excluded from some searches [regression] |
PG-2748 | 2024.11 | FIX: [IIS Only] URLs that contain the word `bin` are blocked |
PG-2747 | 2024.11 | FIX: Custom Webhook Notifiers may not use body override in all cases |
PG-2744 | 2024.11 | FIX: Helm packages may continuously replicate between certain combinations of ProGet versions |
PG-2753 | 2023.41 | FIX: [Edge Dashboard] Errors may display incorrectly |
PG-2746 | 2023.41 | FIX: Helm packages may continuously replicate between certain combinations of ProGet versions [2023 backport] |
PG-2730 | 2024.10 | FIX: Webhooks created in ProGet 2023 may not automatically import as Notifiers |
PG-2731 | 2024.10 | FIX: Vulnerabilities Overview shows definitions out of date message to all users but non-admins cannot pull updates |
PG-2743 | 2024.10 | FIX: Cannot create new project with SCA API |
PG-2732 | 2024.10 | FIX: npm search in web UI does not always consider npm scope for local packages |
PG-2740 | 2024.10 | FIX: unsupported compression method error may be logged when scanning docker blobs on push |
PG-2735 | 2024.10 | Upgrade InedoLib to v981.0.4 |
PG-2739 | 2024.10 | FIX: Error deleting license definition that references package name |
PG-2738 | 2024.10 | FIX: [SAML] Certain cases cause new users to be created |
PG-2737 | 2024.10 | Hide feed groups on list feed page if no feeds are available due to permissions |
PG-2729 | 2024.10 | FIX: Asset replication may fail when multiple files in the same folder differ only by case |
PG-2741 | 2023.40 | FIX: Legacy Bower feeds may yield cause "Value cannot be null" error when browsing in UI |
PG-2736 | 2023.40 | FIX: Asset replication may fail when multiple files in the same folder differ only by case [2023 backport] |
PG-2733 | 2023.40 | FIX: Assets page may not load after a product downgrade [2023 only] |
PG-2734 | 2023.40 | Upgrade InedoLib to v980.0.10 |
PG-2724 | 2024.9 | FIX: Build package licenses for remote packages show as "unknown" when a PackageId/Name license is specified |
PG-2699 | 2024.9 | FIX: Repackage API should be clearer that some feeds (PyPI, etc) do not support |
PG-2721 | 2024.9 | FIX: Assess vulnerability API does not allow reassessment |
PG-2727 | 2024.9 | FIX: [SAML] SAML Responses with no email causes Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source') error |
PG-2726 | 2024.9 | Add additional information to logs when cached connector times out |
PG-2723 | 2024.9 | FIX: Noncompliant Pypi packages can be downloaded when blocking is enabled on trial licenses |
PG-2718 | 2024.9 | On Bulk Edit/Promote Pages, indicate if user does not have permission to delete |
PG-2722 | 2023.39 | FIX: Python Package Version UI may error with SPDX error [2023 Backport] |
PG-2719 | 2024.8 | FIX: Error may occur during of Docker Feed re-index |
PG-2717 | 2024.8 | FIX: Universal Packages queried with non-normalized versions return "package not found" |
PG-2716 | 2024.8 | Allow Feed Groups and Debian (New) Feeds to be created via the Feed API |
PG-2702 | 2024.8 | FIX: Maven Artifacts with version numbers more than 50 characters may be truncated |
PG-2715 | 2024.8 | FIX: Downgrade Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library to reduce SQL performance problems on Linux |
PG-2714 | 2024.8 | FIX: Universal Packages Versions API empty group behavior, add support for * query on group |
PG-2720 | 2023.38 | FIX: Error may occur during of Docker Feed re-index [2023 Backport] |
PG-2713 | 2024.7 | FIX: Export asset folder API is not returning an error when trying to export a nonexistent folder |
PG-2712 | 2024.7 | FIX: API Key Settings on Free/Basic Editions incorrectly display Enterprise-only features |
PG-2711 | 2024.7 | FIX: Bulk edit button hidden unless user as Admin_Configure [PG-2651 Regression ] |
PG-2706 | 2024.7 | FIX: recursive argument for asset delete is not always respected |
PG-2707 | 2024.7 | FIX: Conda packages uploaded in prior versions with leading 0 in versions cannot be downloaded |
PG-2704 | 2024.7 | FIX: Personal API Key Creatin ignores "Secure (Generated) API Keys are required" option |
PG-2710 | 2024.7 | FIX: Long-running Compliance Analyzer job may incorrectly identify license compliance |
PG-2709 | 2024.7 | FIX: Missing package files should not cause error when loading README file on package overview page |
PG-2708 | 2024.7 | Added Settings API Endpoint |
PG-2703 | 2024.7 | FIX: Retention policies may consider active releases instead of active builds |
PG-2696 | 2024.6 | Add Sorting on Admin API Keys , Expiry for Personal Keys |
PG-2680 | 2024.6 | Add compliance report for packages |
PG-2684 | 2024.6 | Add Download Blocking for Docker Feeds |
PG-2701 | 2024.6 | FIX: RubyGems Info API endpoint may aggregate package versions on same platform |
PG-2700 | 2024.6 | FIX: Docker layer scanner may fail to find some package indexes |
PG-2659 | 2024.6 | Add support to match SAML Groups to Built-In Groups |
PG-2698 | 2024.6 | FIX: Add ability to upload Debian packages using Packages API |
PG-2671 | 2024.6 | FIX: APK feeds with connectors may have a different hash on the index file |
PG-2697 | 2024.6 | FIX: Paid editions may incorrectly report "Feed retention is not available in ProGet Free Edition" |
PG-2695 | 2024.6 | FIX: Enabling Windows Authentication in IIS before ProGet throws a User Not Found Exception on every page |
PG-2694 | 2024.6 | FIX: "Never delete tags" Retention Policy Filter not followed with multiple tags |
PG-2687 | 2023.37 | FIX: "Never delete tags" Retention Policy Filter not followed with multiple tags [2024 Backport] |
PG-2693 | 2023.36 | FIX: Replication with some v2022 and v2023 clients may not work [2024 Backport] |
PG-2692 | 2023.36 | FIX: Universal Feeds may not replicate packages with a group [regression] [2024 Backport] |
PG-2690 | 2024.5 | FIX: Replication with some v2022 and v2023 clients may not work |
PG-2691 | 2024.5 | FIX: Universal Feeds may not replicate packages with a group [regression] |
PG-2689 | 2024.5 | FIX: Bypass Integrated Authentication for Asset Directories may not bypass |
PG-2688 | 2024.5 | FIX: Maven artifacts may error with "does not have an associated .pom" when checking compliance policies |
PG-2686 | 2024.4 | FIX: Common Packages API can return duplicate versions for some packages |
PG-2663 | 2024.4 | FIX: Unable to assign license to Maven artifact with undeclared license |
PG-2662 | 2024.4 | Edge node dashboard improvements |
PG-2641 | 2024.4 | FIX: 'Specified method is not supported' may occur on Docker layer for some image types |
PG-2683 | 2024.4 | Replication is unnecessarily using ProGet 2022 compatibility layer for some feeds |
PG-2682 | 2024.4 | FIX: Error replicating RPM packages with ProGet 2022 |
PG-2676 | 2024.4 | FIX: Missing package not reporting as inconclusive in build analysis |
PG-2660 | 2024.4 | FIX: [Universal Packages API] Universal Packages with the same name but different groups where one group is empty may return wrong package |
PG-2665 | 2024.4 | FIX: [Common Packages API] Universal Packages with the same name but different groups where one group is empty may return wrong package |
PG-2677 | 2024.4 | Add API Key Expiring Notifier |
PG-2678 | 2024.4 | FIX: OR-based SPDX expressions do not register as multiple licenses |
PG-2664 | 2024.4 | FIX: Minor UI issues editing policies, assessments |
PG-2674 | 2024.4 | FIX: [Promote API] API returns 200 when package not found |
PG-2673 | 2024.4 | FIX: [Promote API] Using an API Key will track promotion as an anonymous user |
PG-2672 | 2024.4 | FIX: CycloneDX-generated SBOMs with application components may cause an error when exporting again |
PG-2668 | 2024.4 | FIX: [Package Usage & Statistics] Usage in Projects always shows latest project build as inactive |
PG-2644 | 2023.35 | Edge node dashboard improvements [2024 Backport] |
PG-2681 | 2023.35 | FIX: Replication is unnecessarily using ProGet 2022 compatibility layer for some feeds [2023 Backport] |
PG-2675 | 2023.35 | FIX: Error replicating RPM packages with ProGet 2022 [2023 Backport] |
PG-2640 | 2023.35 | Add Automatic Feed Verification for Docker Images [Edge Nodes Only] |
PG-2661 | 2023.35 | FIX: [Universal Packages API] Universal Packages with the same name but different groups where one group is empty may return wrong package [2024 Backport] |
PG-2666 | 2023.35 | FIX: [Common Packages API] Universal Packages with the same name but different groups where one group is empty may return wrong package [2024 Backport] |
PG-2679 | 2023.35 | FIX: OR-based SPDX expressions do not register as multiple licenses [2023 Backport] |
PG-2669 | 2023.35 | FIX: [Promote API] API returns 200 when package not found |
PG-2670 | 2023.35 | FIX: [Promote API] Using an API Key will track promotion as an anonymous user |
PG-2667 | 2024.3 | FIX: Changing noncompliant package blocking may incorrectly configure download blocking |
PG-2663 | 2024.3 | FIX: Unable to assign license to Maven artifact with undeclared license |
PG-2657 | 2024.3 | FIX: PyPi Simple index links for packages with underscore may be incorrect |
PG-2658 | 2024.3 | Add compliance property to build package objects in SCA API |
PG-2651 | 2024.3 | Hide various links when user doesn't have permission to view page |
PG-2648 | 2024.3 | FIX: Pseudo-keys do not work on some non-feed API endpoints |
PG-2656 | 2024.3 | FIX: Don't analyze vulns or licenses when those features are enabled on the feed |
PG-2652 | 2024.3 | FIX: Cannot associate a package license that contains a comma to an existing license |
PG-2655 | 2024.3 | FIX: Ruby Gems gemspec fails to download with "Value does not fall within the expected range." error |
PG-2654 | 2024.3 | FIX: Cached Ruby Gems may fail to pull to ProGet with Object Null Exception |
PG-2653 | 2024.3 | FIX: Maven packages may link incorrectly from the all Packages page |
PG-2650 | 2024.3 | FIX: Field names on Add License Type page are incorrect |
PG-2649 | 2024.3 | FIX: RPM packages may fail to show in the UI with a object null reference exception |
PG-2647 | 2024.2 | FIX: Embedded license database is not always imported on service startup |
PG-2646 | 2024.2 | FIX: Error promoting PyPY packages |
PG-2645 | 2024.2 | FIX: NuGet v2 API may omit "d:Version" property on local packages |
PG-2643 | 2024.2 | FIX: Maven artifacts without names may error when checking compliance and downloading |
PG-2642 | 2024.2 | Display README on Package Overview for local/cached npm packages |
PG-2635 | 2024.2 | FIX: Debian Feed Release Index Formatting Issues |
PG-2638 | 2024.2 | FIX: Disabling License Detection may cause null reference exceptions when viewing package details |
PG-2639 | 2024.2 | FIX: Connectors that use a SQLite index may fail when using a UNC shared storage path |
PG-2637 | 2024.2 | FIX: Policy Rule Exception with invalid data will cause package analysis to error/crash |
PG-2634 | 2024.1 | FIX: 2023 - 2024 upgrade may cause list notifiers page to error |
PG-2625 | 2024.1 | FIX: Warnings with "The package is not cached or local to any feed" should not show in diagnostic center |
PG-2636 | 2024.1 | FIX: npm audit may error with "undefined is not iterable" for withdrawn vulnerabilities |
PG-2633 | 2024.1 | FIX: Custom Webhooks Content not saving in UI |
PG-2632 | 2024.1 | FIX: Error editing Advanced WIA Settings after a bypassed feed was deleted |
PG-2631 | 2024.1 | Don't display mock server cluster information for legacy licenses (load balance edition) |
PG-2630 | 2024.1 | FIX: Dual License Packages should show as compliant if one or more licenses are compliant |
PG-2626 | 2024.1 | FIX: AD/LDAP error on ProGet for Linux / Docker image (The type initializer for 'Ldap' threw an exception) |
PG-2629 | 2024.1 | FIX: Creating a feed that is connecting to another feed sometimes fails |
PG-2627 | 2024.1 | FIX: Error updating custom vulnerability assessment types |
PG-2624 | 2024.1 | FIX: Upgrading Azure SQL may error with "Cannot drop the view 'database_firewall_rules'" |
PG-2623 | 2024.1 | FIX: Compliance Analyzer may warn NuGet packages are unlisted |
PG-2621 | 2023.34 | FIX: Feed replication errors may be logged for high-volume docker feeds during push/retention |
PG-2628 | 2023.34 | FIX: Creating a feed that is connecting to another feed sometimes fails |
PG-2622 | 2024.0 | ⭐ Major Release ProGet 2024 ⭐ |
PG-2617 | 2023.33 | FIX: FeedManagement API not returning feedType for debian feeds |
PG-2618 | 2023.33 | FIX: Newlines may be missing between package stanzas in Debian index files for some local packages |
PG-2619 | 2023.33 | FIX: ProGet may fail to detect control file in some Debian packages |
PG-2620 | 2023.33 | FIX: Distro not correctly propagated in all Debian replication configurations |
PG-2611 | 2023.32 | FIX: Improve messages/error handling when NuGet v2 API is disabled |
PG-2595 | 2023.32 | FIX: Native API may error when API_Key is specified on JSON Body |
PG-2616 | 2023.32 | Upgrade InedoLib to v980.0.8 |
PG-2609 | 2023.32 | FIX: Legacy license urls that start with www. may not be detected |
PG-2615 | 2023.32 | Performance improvements for VulnerabilityDownloader when PG2024 preview features are enabled |
PG-2613 | 2023.32 | FIX: Error with some features after enabling Policies Preview Feature |
PG-2614 | 2023.32 | FIX: Improve SQL connection handling on exceptions |
PG-2610 | 2023.32 | Add additional database performance hints required for some SQL Server versions (regression PG-2606) |
PG-2612 | 2023.32 | FIX: Error creating in Docker feed wizard connecting to other feed |
PG-2608 | 2023.32 | FIX: Edge Nodes should allow Download Statistics feature |
PG-2594 | 2023.31 | FIX: Invalid metadata when generating rpm indexes from ubi9-appstream |
PG-2607 | 2023.31 | FIX: Increase maximum RPM metadata header size sanity check |
PG-2605 | 2023.31 | FIX: PyPi Packages incredibly long version numbers may duplicate or cause duplicate errors |
PG-2596 | 2023.31 | Projects 2024 Enhancements [2024 Preview Feature] |
PG-2606 | 2023.31 | Various database performance improvements (deadlock, timeout reductions) |
PG-2604 | 2023.31 | FIX: Unnamed Maven may cause package listing package to give a 500 error |
PG-2599 | 2023.31 | FIX: PGVD Affected Version Range Improvements [2024 Preview Feature] |
PG-2602 | 2023.31 | FIX: resetadminpassword utility does not add admin user back to Admin group in all cases |
PG-2570 | 2023.31 | Upgrade CycloneDX Libraries to add support for 1.5 format |
PG-2601 | 2023.31 | FIX: Docker Connectors may fail to pull manifests when attempting to pull a fat manifest from |
PG-2600 | 2023.31 | FIX: Unsupported metadata version 2.3 error on python feeds / PyPi packages |
PG-2598 | 2023.31 | Add option to disable NuGet v2 API |
PG-2597 | 2023.31 | Reduce refresh rate of Notification Bar when browser is idle |
PG-2579 | 2023.31 | FIX: Cannot assign a license to a Maven package |
PG-2593 | 2023.30 | Package Policies and Project Builds [2024 Preview Feature] |
PG-2578 | 2023.30 | FIX: Common Package API (Package Versions) Returns all Versions instead of Specified |
PG-2567 | 2023.30 | FIX: npm Feed Importer may not download all package versions |
PG-2587 | 2023.30 | FIX: Assigning licenses to npm files with embedded licenses may fail |
PG-2592 | 2023.30 | FIX: RPM not presented when creating a new connector |
PG-2588 | 2023.30 | FIX: Webhooks created in older versions of ProGet may not fire or be migratable to preview feature |
PG-2591 | 2023.30 | FIX: Do not URL encode values in Filename field of Debian repository index |
PG-2581 | 2023.30 | FIX: Uploading assets to case-differing folders may create in case-sensitive folders even though case-insensitive is enabled |
PG-2585 | 2023.30 | FIX: Integrate with apt instructions are incorrect |
PG-2590 | 2023.30 | FIX: package:// based license URLS may not be recognized on NuGet packages with embedded licenses |
PG-2589 | 2023.30 | FIX: PGVD may display vulnerability ranges using the wrong syntax |
PG-2586 | 2023.30 | FIX: Maven index can have corrupt data when connector artifacts are included |
PG-2584 | 2023.30 | FIX: Docker Connectors cannot download layers from |
PG-2583 | 2023.30 | FIX: Timeout when enabling Vulnerability Preview Feature |
PG-2582 | 2023.30 | FIX: Feeds may show a Package Count > 0 when Package Versions Count is 0 |
PG-2572 | 2023.30 | Add "Automatically delete stale server records" to ProGet Cluster |
PG-2574 | 2023.30 | FIX: Errors in feed cleanup from Docker images referenced by helm charts |
PG-2568 | 2023.29 | Add Webhook Improvements [2024 Preview Feature] |
PG-2571 | 2023.29 | Vulnerability Management & Database Improvements [2024 Preview Feature] |
PG-2577 | 2023.29 | FIX: Add Maven packages to "local/cached" packages page |
PG-2576 | 2023.29 | FIX: Maven artifacts will show as "missing packages" in SCA releases |
PG-2575 | 2023.29 | Database performance improvements (locking, deadlock reduction) |
PG-2573 | 2023.29 | FIX: Invalid SQL Syntax on Older SQL Server Versions |
PG-2569 | 2023.29 | FIX: ExecutionLogRetention may time out when purging log messages |
PG-2559 | 2023.28 | FIX: Warning that SAML is a ProGet Enterprise feature not displayed in Trial edition |
PG-2566 | 2023.28 | FIX: Returns 500 error when Bypassing Integrated Authentication on feeds |
PG-2565 | 2023.28 | Add OSS Index to PGVC Migration for Vulnerability Assessments |
PG-2564 | 2023.28 | FIX: Error Migrating npm packages with plus symbol in the name |
PG-2563 | 2023.28 | FIX: [SCA Projects] Scoped npm packages have an invalid PURL |
PG-2562 | 2023.28 | FIX: Disable default 100s timeout for HttpClient in replication |
PG-2561 | 2023.28 | FIX: Error while fetching an asset during replication can prevent the asset from being replicated correctly later |
PG-2560 | 2023.28 | Don't use namespace as Group when promoting Docker images |
PG-2558 | 2023.27 | Add Enhanced License Detection [2024 Preview Feature] |
PG-2557 | 2023.27 | FIX: Docker Promotion Comments May Not Be Recorded (API) |
PG-2556 | 2023.26 | FIX: SBOM with unqualified packages are not recognized in Release analysis |
PG-2555 | 2023.26 | FIX: Notifications for SCA Project Owners Not Sending |
PG-2552 | 2023.26 | FIX: Docker Promotion Comments May Not Be Recorded |
PG-2554 | 2023.26 | Add Docker Layer Scanning [2024 Preview Feature] |
PG-2553 | 2023.26 | FIX: Error browsing certain packages on a UPack feed (PG-2547 regression) |
PG-2551 | 2023.25 | Add retentionRulesEnabled Property to Feed API |
PG-2547 | 2023.25 | Add Origin_Url to Packages |
PG-2550 | 2023.25 | FIX: Remove unnecessary checks for application/json content type in Feed Management API |
PG-2549 | 2023.25 | FIX: Disabling Integrated Authentication may error when logged in using integrated authentication |
PG-2546 | 2023.25 | Performance improvement for loading single, local NuGet packages in UI |
PG-2529 | 2023.25 | FIX: Add "Disable Release Analysis" option on feed configuration to potentially improve performance when adding/promoting multiple packages to a feed |
PG-2540 | 2023.25 | FIX: Tile View icon for RPM feed and Selection on assets |
PG-2548 | 2022.31 | FIX: Some npm packages fail to upload with an invalid npm package error when adding a v to the version number |
PG-2504 | 2023.24 | Add "Delete Newer versions" to Docker container retention rules |
PG-2545 | 2023.24 | FIX: SQL Timeout may occur during certain feed update operations |
PG-2544 | 2023.24 | FIX: API request for connectors with spaces in the name |
PG-2538 | 2023.24 | FIX: Docker Image Promotion may not record promotion history through API |
PG-2541 | 2023.24 | FIX: Links for Ranged PyPi Dependencies may lead to invalid version |
PG-2537 | 2023.23 | Add CRAN (R) Feed Type |
PG-2539 | 2023.23 | FIX: npm audit sometimes errors when the vulnerability severity is none |
PG-2536 | 2023.22 | FIX: Login Redirect URL is ignored when using SAML authentication |
PG-2535 | 2023.22 | FIX: Hide package bulk edit link if not logged in |
PG-2534 | 2023.22 | FIX: Deprecation data for NuGet, npm packages cannot be deleted from the UI once added |
PG-2503 | 2023.22 | Implement Bulk Advisory Endpoint ("npm audit" ) on npm API |
PG-2533 | 2023.22 | Add "Feed Importers" feature to help import packages from other feeds |
PG-2530 | 2023.22 | New Feed Type: Alpine (APK) Feeds |
PG-2532 | 2023.22 | Add "Debian (New)" Feed Type, Change old to "Debian (Classic)" |
PG-2531 | 2023.22 | Add Support for Connectors on RPM Feeds |
PG-2511 | 2023.22 | Add “Yank” Support for PyPi packages |
PG-2526 | 2023.22 | FIX: [Universal package API] Fix empty group behavior, add support for * query on group |
PG-2527 | 2023.22 | FIX: Improve the error message thrown when a null Display Name value is sent when using SAML Integration |
PG-2528 | 2023.22 | FIX: Dual-licensed NuGet packages with an OR-licensed rule may be blocked from dowload |
PG-2519 | 2023.21 | FIX: Quirks with common packages API and API logging |
PG-2525 | 2023.21 | Upgrade InedoLib to v960.0.6 |
PG-2524 | 2023.21 | FIX: Npm download handler may cache packages even if feed caching is disabled |
PG-2521 | 2023.21 | FIX: Number localization issue when editing vulnerability auto-assessment ranges |
PG-2520 | 2023.21 | FIX: Download blocking settings may not display properly when editing |
PG-2517 | 2023.21 | FIX: Cannot add a new Package Filter when package filter extension is installed |
PG-2516 | 2023.21 | FIX: Inactive filter on Releases page does not return inactive projects |
PG-2523 | 2023.21 | FIX: NuGet connector health check may fail due to GitLab Packages bug (workaround) |
PG-2522 | 2023.21 | Add drop path / bulk import support for Maven feeds |
PG-2518 | 2023.21 | Change "an item with the same key" message in replication logs to Debug (not Warn) |
PG-2502 | 2023.20 | Use instance name instead of IP address for looking up replication clients |
PG-2510 | 2023.20 | FIX: Cannot associate feeds when editing a connector from the Connector Details page |
PG-2498 | 2023.20 | FIX: Last-Modified Header on conda-feed channeldata.json & repodata.json incorrect |
PG-2499 | 2023.20 | FIX: NuGet Package Versions Resource should return 404 when no versions are found |
PG-2507 | 2023.20 | FIX: PyPI connectors may have issues parsing HTML documents with unexpected elements |
PG-2515 | 2023.20 | FIX: Replication client may crash upon receiving invalid feedstate |
PG-2477 | 2023.20 | FIX: Retention rule on container feed may not delete duplicated tags |
PG-2514 | 2023.20 | FIX: Package Deployment API Error (No JSON content found) |
PG-2513 | 2023.20 | Ignore task cancellation errors on Feed API that are typically caused by client cancelation/disconnects |
PG-2512 | 2023.20 | FIX: Creating a new PyPi feed w/ connector should enable exact match (no search) by default |
PG-2509 | 2023.20 | FIX: Retention rules on Manage Feed Page don't wrap long lines of text (UI only) |
PG-2506 | 2023.20 | FIX: SPDX expression parsing non-OR licenses with spaces yield unknown licenses |
PG-2505 | 2023.20 | FIX: GitHub npm connectors fail validation with "Unable to query" error |
PG-2501 | 2023.20 | FIX: Do not Validate NuGet connector Url when Skip Health Check is checked |
PG-2500 | 2023.20 | Vulnerabilities marked as "Ignore" should not be returned in NuGet Vulnerabilities API |
PG-2495 | 2023.19 | Upgrade InedoLib to v980.0.5 |
PG-2497 | 2023.19 | Add support for InRelease file in Debian feeds |
PG-2496 | 2023.19 | FIX: Docker Feed Retention jobs may fail with error InvalidCastException |
PG-2494 | 2023.19 | FIX: Native API does not return properly formatted boolean values |
PG-2440 | 2023.19 | Implement Ruby Gems Compact API |
PG-2493 | 2023.19 | FIX: List Replications, Feeds Page May Crash if Invalid Replication Configuration data exists |
PG-2491 | 2023.19 | FIX: Deleting a SCA release redirects to incorrect page with error message |
PG-2485 | 2023.19 | FIX: Editing feed group will un-group other feeds in group |
PG-2489 | 2023.19 | FIX: Entering new license key may not immediately activate new license |
PG-2484 | 2023.19 | FIX: Potential migration issue with package feed statistics |
PG-2490 | 2023.19 | FIX: [SCA] Cannot generate an SBOM if an SBOM file was uploaded that does not contain components |
PG-2483 | 2023.19 | FIX: Issue with Edge Node download statistics |
PG-2488 | 2023.19 | FIX: Common Packages API package download handle may fail for certain feed types |
PG-2487 | 2023.19 | FIX: Common Packages API does not set Content-Type on all responses |
PG-2486 | 2023.19 | Add endpointUrl to feed management API |
PG-2481 | 2023.18 | Update InedoLib to 980.0.4 |
PG-2482 | 2023.18 | Add edge node download handler |
PG-2471 | 2023.18 | Add SetStatus Endpoint to Common Package API |
PG-2479 | 2023.18 | FIX: Incorrectly formatted alternate package version ranges of deprecated NuGet packages causes an error in Visual Studio |
PG-2478 | 2023.18 | FIX: Promotion of Docker Image does not promote if only tag is different |
PG-2480 | 2023.18 | FIX: Download Debian packages returns a 404 error |
PG-2476 | 2023.18 | Add paging to the List Docker Repository Tags page |
PG-2475 | 2023.18 | FIX: Add Package Filters back to the manage feed page |
PG-2474 | 2023.18 | FIX: [Download Statistics] Package Downloads UI not displaying the most recent download records |
PG-2472 | 2023.18 | FIX: Connector filter wildcard allows can override specific blocks |
PG-2441 | 2023.18 | FIX: Web UI may inappropriately display a download blocked if there's an auto-assessment |
PG-2473 | 2023.18 | FIX: SCA License Summary may incorrectly display rules for conditionally blocked licenses |
PG-2453 | 2023.17 | Add support for npm 9.x.x Web Auth endpoint when using npm login |
PG-2455 | 2023.17 | FIX: Remote VSIX Packages should not attempt to display embedded icons or log errors |
PG-2468 | 2023.17 | Add Cache Headers to PyPi Package Download Endpoint |
PG-2467 | 2023.17 | FIX: Cannot download older source distributions from if package name has a dash |
PG-2433 | 2023.17 | Bypass integrated authentication on non-supported feeds (Integrated Web Server) |
PG-2470 | 2023.17 | FIX: Debian package downloads can fail with S3 storage |
PG-2469 | 2023.17 | FIX: Legacy feed migration can fail on retry |
PG-2465 | 2023.16 | FIX: Aggregated package download count are not imported during migration (PG-2448 regression) |
PG-2466 | 2023.16 | FIX: Retention policies may take a long time to query packages (PG-2448 regression) |
PG-2464 | 2023.16 | FIX: Improve package version inference for non-wheel packages on PyPi connectors to |
PG-2463 | 2023.16 | FIX: PyPi Packages without Files give an error when attempting to download/view |
PG-2462 | 2023.16 | FIX: Downloading SBOM file should require only Projects_View permission |
PG-2448 | 2023.15 | Further database performance improvements for updating download statistics |
PG-2454 | 2023.15 | FIX: V3 API on NuGet feed is disabled when updating feed via API call |
PG-2456 | 2023.15 | FIX: Write versions in non-normalized form to repodata.json for a feed [conda] |
PG-2457 | 2023.15 | FIX: Extension download from VSIX feed may fail when using connectors with caching enabled |
PG-2449 | 2023.15 | Add support for .snupkg files to bulk feed import |
PG-2452 | 2023.15 | Add additional checksums to universal package metadata |
PG-2450 | 2023.15 | FIX: Download link for current version of item on previous asset versions page is broken |
PG-2439 | 2023.15 | Add Import Endpoint on Universal Feed API |
PG-2458 | 2023.15 | FIX: Replication errors on edge edition hub (regression from PG-2430) |
PG-2459 | 2023.15 | FIX: Workaround for bug in SQL Server 2019.CU3 (intermittent "Cannot insert duplicate key in Index" error) |
PG-2460 | 2023.15 | Add Feed, Asset Directory Descriptions to hyperlink's title attribute when possible |
PG-2461 | 2023.15 | FIX: Asset directory search may return results from other directories |
PG-2438 | 2023.14 | FIX: Deleting a feed may result in "cannot find table" error |
PG-2437 | 2023.14 | FIX: FeedPackages_UpdatePackageData (used by ProGet 2022 migration) will timeout on some versions of SQL Server Update |
PG-2430 | 2023.14 | [Edge Edition] Use "Instance name" instead of "Client IP" to determine edge node |
PG-2435 | 2023.14 | FIX: Multi-package GHSA Vulnerabilities may not have ranges parsed properly |
PG-2445 | 2023.14 | FIX: Possible NullReferenceException when conda metadata is missing a constrains entry |
PG-2446 | 2023.14 | FIX: Build numbers are not always considered when checking Conda packages for uniqueness |
PG-2443 | 2023.14 | FIX: [Clair] Auto-Assessment Is Failing with Vulnerabilities from Clair |
PG-2444 | 2023.14 | FIX: Docker vulnerabilities are not showing the Docker Image layer on the Vulnerabilities Overview Page |
PG-2447 | 2023.14 | FIX: Docker Connectors unable to repository listing option |
PG-2442 | 2023.14 | Database performance improvements (reduce deadlocks on load balanced clusters, high concurrent package creation, etc.) |
PG-2432 | 2023.13 | FIX: [Universal package API] When an empty group is specified all groups are returned |
PG-2427 | 2023.13 | Increase timeout for feed migrations from ProGet 2022 |
PG-2429 | 2023.13 | FIX: [Asset Directory] HEAD requests not returning content-length |
PG-2434 | 2023.13 | FIX: error promoting maven package |
PG-2436 | 2023.13 | FIX: Licenses issues for unknown licenses are recorded on SCA Releases when license feature is disabled on feed |
PG-2431 | 2023.13 | FIX: npm dist-tags may return invalid tags |
PG-2425 | 2023.13 | FIX: Webhook $UserName is not populated with the APIContext's Username |
PG-2426 | 2023.13 | Installing cached packages from connectors should set package status (listed, deprecated) |
PG-2428 | 2023.13 | FIX: Adding SCA Issues for Deprecated packages may yield database error |
PG-2424 | 2023.13 | FIX: Some npm Packages may fail to download with a "String is not a valid semantic version" error |
PG-2423 | 2023.12 | FIX: Enable RCSI Script (PG-2422) fails when database name is not default |
PG-2418 | 2023.11 | FIX: Additional NuGet feed performance fixes (deadlock error reduction) |
PG-2422 | 2023.11 | Enable Read Committed Snapshot Isolation on ProGet Database |
PG-2421 | 2023.11 | FIX: npm tags not listing for scoped npm pacakges |
PG-2420 | 2023.11 | FIX: Packages with embedded file (package://) licenses may be reported as "unknown license" in SCA |
PG-2419 | 2023.11 | FIX: Error when creating a feed with a self-connector using the "Feed wizard" |
PG-2417 | 2023.11 | FIX: Npm feed performance improvements |
PG-2416 | 2023.11 | FIX: Npm feeds with multiple connectors may return 404 even though package is in one of the remote feeds |
PG-2415 | 2023.11 | FIX: "library/" prefix maybe stripped on Docker connectors with "Do not use library/ prefix" option selected |
PG-2395 | 2022.30 | FIX: OSSIndex causes vulnerabilities to be removed and re-added |
PG-2366 | 2022.30 | FIX: Updating connector settings may clear connector filter list (v2022) |
PG-2347 | 2022.30 | FIX: VSIX packages with embedded images may throw a 404 exception |
PG-2337 | 2022.30 | FIX: [Linux/Docker Only] Cannot install new extensions |
PG-2319 | 2022.30 | Add InstanceId to Edge Node Configuration |
PG-2409 | 2023.10 | Set write permissions on shared configuration file on new installs |
PG-2414 | 2023.10 | FIX: Potential Performance Updates for NuGet feeds using Indexed view |
PG-2408 | 2023.10 | FIX: Deleting a package version sometimes deletes all versions for that package |
PG-2413 | 2023.10 | FIX: Package History may show published user as Anonymous |
PG-2412 | 2023.10 | FIX: Packages with manually assigned licenses may be reported as "unknown license" in SCA |
PG-2411 | 2023.10 | FIX: Assigning a licenses to an Unknown Licenses may use incorrect URL on scoped npm packages |
PG-2410 | 2023.10 | FIX: PGVC vulnerability records without summaries can't be viewed |
PG-2396 | 2023.9 | FIX: Error tagging npm packages without existing tags |
PG-2397 | 2023.9 | FIX: Docker retention log text about "number of packages" and size is incorrect |
PG-2406 | 2023.9 | FIX: Python packages without licenses display an error when viewing in feed list |
PG-2403 | 2023.9 | FIX: Cannot edit package access rules |
PG-2402 | 2023.9 | FIX: Setting to enable/disable dependencies API in RubyGems feeds is missing [regression] |
PG-2398 | 2023.9 | FIX: Promotion in Docker registries fail with a feed does not support promotion error |
PG-2399 | 2023.9 | FIX: [Asset Directories] Uploading Assets through the UI does not track a version change |
PG-2401 | 2023.9 | FIX: Edit universal package on virtual package converts it a non-virtual package |
PG-2400 | 2023.9 | FIX: [Asset Directory] Manage asset directory properties may not change immediately |
PG-2390 | 2023.9 | FIX: OSSIndex causes vulnerabilities to be removed and re-added |
PG-2391 | 2023.9 | [High Availability] Add advanced configuration for Service Messenger to configure per node ports |
PG-2392 | 2023.9 | FIX: [High Availability] Service messenger custom port not always updating when changed |
PG-2394 | 2023.9 | FIX: Docker connector configuration cannot set the No Library option to false |
PG-2405 | 2023.9 | FIX: Scoped npm packages without licenses may not include scope name in packageid:// license |
PG-2404 | 2023.9 | FIX: Unknown licenses cannot be easily edited if unknown licenses are blocked |
PG-2387 | 2023.8 | Additional Performance improvements (create/delete package potential deadklock) |
PG-2393 | 2023.8 | FIX: Re-index can fail for asset directories with missing files and versioning enabled |
PG-2373 | 2023.8 | FIX: Handle nonnormalized PyPI package file names created in earlier versions of ProGet |
PG-2389 | 2023.8 | FIX: Drop path import does not work for debian packages |
PG-2388 | 2023.8 | FIX: Improper escaping in some docker connector requests (2023 regression) |
PG-2382 | 2023.8 | FIX: NuGet feed data migration can fail for packages with duplicated indexed symbol files |
PG-2384 | 2023.8 | FIX: Adding NuGet packages with duplicate pdb files can fail |
PG-2385 | 2023.8 | FIX: Add more information about Certificate Warning errors |
PG-2386 | 2023.8 | Add option to delete images when blobs are missing on Docker feed re-index |
PG-2374 | 2023.7 | Additional performance improvements (NuGet_GetPackage, etc) |
PG-2379 | 2023.7 | FIX: Extended metadata for certain RubyGems may not be imported, leading to package-not-found errors |
PG-2381 | 2023.7 | FIX: SCA Licenses Inaccurately reports "Unknown License" for packageid:// type licenses |
PG-2380 | 2023.7 | FIX: Remote PyPi packages that specify Licenses and Classifiers may report an incorrect license |
PG-2378 | 2023.7 | FIX: Conda packages with null licenses cause feed page to display error instead of package |
PG-2377 | 2023.7 | Add extended tag data API to Docker feeds |
PG-2376 | 2023.7 | FIX: Helm Connector: show option to omit packages with invalid metadata |
PG-2375 | 2023.7 | FIX: NuGet packages with aliased versions may not be downloaded ( and 16.2.0) |
PG-2372 | 2023.6 | Add ?dbcache=false parameter to healthcheck to allow for more rapid discovery of database outages |
PG-2371 | 2023.6 | FIX: Feed-level "dry run check" is inverted (may run when disabled, or not run when enabled) |
PG-2370 | 2023.6 | FIX: SCA issues may not report data properly (license linkage, vulnerability linkage) |
PG-2369 | 2023.6 | FIX: MigrationSkipped flag should be reset to false on successful feed migration |
PG-2368 | 2023.6 | FIX: Individual feeds to migrate option is not always respected |
PG-2367 | 2023.6 | Add "Bulk Edit" for Connector Filters |
PG-2327 | 2022.29 | FIX: Vulnerabilities without CSSV Score cause All Versions page to error |
PG-2328 | 2022.29 | Improve performance of specs API in RubyGems feeds |
PG-2329 | 2022.29 | FIX: Links to local PyPi Packages with dots in name are not located in simple api index |
PG-2364 | 2023.5 | FIX: Updating connector settings may clear connector filter list |
PG-2365 | 2023.5 | FIX: Potential performance improvement for timeouts/errors with NuGet_GetPackage |
PG-2363 | 2023.5 | FIX: Dashboard Feeds pie chart always shows in bytes |
PG-2362 | 2023.5 | Upgrade InedoLib to v980.0.2 |
PG-2361 | 2023.5 | FIX: Spurious task canceled exceptions logged in diagnostic center |
PG-2360 | 2023.5 | FIX: HTTP/S Settings Page generates a self-signed certificate with an invalid certificate chain |
PG-2359 | 2023.5 | Add vulnerability details to the NuGet V3 API for integration with Visual Studio and the NuGet CLI |
PG-2358 | 2023.5 | FIX: Release Analysis behaves differently when run interactively and via the scheduled task |
PG-2355 | 2023.5 | FIX: Fix for deadlock issues (FeedPackageVersions_RecordDownload) |
PG-2357 | 2023.5 | FIX: Some advanced settings on feeds are not properly persisted |
PG-2356 | 2023.5 | FIX: Migration execution may be incorrect and not restartable |
PG-2354 | 2023.5 | FIX: Requests for uncached scoped npm connector packages can fail with 404 |
PG-2353 | 2023.5 | Implement content filter for docker feed replication |
PG-2349 | 2023.4 | Update to InedoLib 980.0.1 |
PG-2352 | 2023.4 | FIX: Error adding or migrating NuGet packages with multiple identical indexed symbols |
PG-2351 | 2023.4 | FIX: Unscoped private npm packages may fail to install on some client versions |
PG-2350 | 2023.4 | FIX: Helm chart download blocking errors with unable to cast object exception. |
PG-2346 | 2023.4 | FIX: Local Packages Page bulk edit shows no packages are selected |
PG-2348 | 2023.4 | FIX: VSIX packages with embedded images may throw a 404 exception |
PG-2345 | 2023.3 | FIX: Vulnerability Scanner specifies incorrect package type for some feeds |
PG-2344 | 2023.3 | FIX: npm scoped package metadata queries may return 404 even if packages are present |
PG-2343 | 2023.3 | FIX: NuGet latest version queries can be very slow |
PG-2342 | 2023.3 | FIX: ProGet 2023 data migration can fail for NuGet packages that have multiple copies of the same indexed pdb files |
PG-2341 | 2023.2 | FIX: Package Promotion API can return 500 instead of more appropriate HTTP error codes for some invalid inputs |
PG-2340 | 2023.2 | FIX: Error pushing .snukpg to a feed using NuGet |
PG-2339 | 2023.2 | FIX: Deleting all versions of a Chocolatey package from the UI can delete other packages in the feed |
PG-2338 | 2023.2 | FIX: npm scoped package downloads may fail after upgrade |
PG-2336 | 2023.2 | FIX: Feed configuration settings can be reset after saving with certain combinations of settings |
PG-2335 | 2023.1 | FIX: Possible failure migrating nuget symbol package data to ProGet 2023 table |
PG-2334 | 2023.1 | Update to Inedo.SDK 2.3.0 |
PG-2332 | 2023.1 | FIX: Cannot add or edit user directories |
PG-2333 | 2023.1 | FIX: Error editing some docker configuration on older Docker feeds |
PG-2331 | 2023.1 | FIX: Download button may show "Blocked" due to vulnerability on different package version |
PG-2158 | 2023.0 | ⭐ Major Release ProGet 2023⭐ |
PG-2325 | 2022.28 | FIX: Invalid pattern error when parsing some mswin-based rubygems |
PG-2323 | 2022.28 | FIX: Custom replication settings may not persist when editing page |
PG-2320 | 2022.27 | Add workaround for Deprecating the "Dependencies" API |
PG-2322 | 2022.27 | FIX: Some feed specific advanced settings may not be retrieved correctly from database |
PG-2321 | 2022.27 | FIX: Improper escaping in some docker connector requests |
PG-2318 | 2022.27 | Make Active Directory (LDAP) V4 the Default Directory |
PG-2317 | 2022.27 | Add stripSignature, useApiV3 to Feed API |
PG-2316 | 2022.27 | Add Maven & Gradle Package Installation Instructions |
PG-2314 | 2022.27 | FIX: Failed NuGet package delete may cause package file to be deleted without database record |
PG-2306 | 2022.26 | Allow feed features to be configured via the Feed API |
PG-2305 | 2022.26 | Add ability to download snupkg files |
PG-2301 | 2022.26 | FIX: Deleting Unlisted NuGet packages from UI may not result in a delete operation |
PG-2313 | 2022.26 | Maven: Add SHA256 and SHA512 hash algorithm support |
PG-2311 | 2022.26 | FIX: 2023 Preview UI Fixes for Editing Connectors |
PG-2310 | 2022.26 | FIX: 2023 Preview UI shouldn't prompt to create connectors for RPM feeds |
PG-2302 | 2022.25 | Tweaks for ISV Edition (License Key, White Labeling Styling) |
PG-2299 | 2022.25 | FIX: Docker tags created without timestamps can cause issues in one-way replication |
PG-2307 | 2022.25 | FIX: Conda packages uploaded via curl may result in an error |
PG-2309 | 2022.25 | FIX: PGVC can cause spurious exceptions in feed types that do not have vulnerability information |
PG-2308 | 2022.25 | FIX: Exception downloading debian packages if stored in AWS |
PG-2304 | 2022.25 | FIX: Symbol server handler may return 401 with valid Basic authentication |
PG-2303 | 2022.25 | Add "Manage Projects" as a Built-in Security Task |
PG-2300 | 2022.25 | Add Last-Modified header for Asset Directory HEAD requests |
PG-2298 | 2022.24 | FIX: Helm charts may fail to download when checking for vulnerabilities |
PG-2296 | 2022.24 | FIX: Rpm packages uploaded via curl may give 400 error with "invalid header" error |
PG-2297 | 2022.24 | Workaround for Azure DevOps connector errors due to invalid NuGet package metadata |
PG-2295 | 2022.24 | FIX: Escape non-ASCII characters in Conda feed channeldata.json and repodata.json |
PG-2265 | 2022.24 | FIX: Integrated Web Server: Cannot use feeds other than NuGet and Universal Packages when Windows integrated Authentication is enabled |
PG-2294 | 2022.23 | FIX: Components are added to an SCA Release after subsequent SBOM imports |
PG-2292 | 2022.23 | FIX: Universal Package Feed API does not handle improperly encoded path separators when listing files |
PG-2270 | 2022.23 | Improved Feed-creation Experience [2023 Preview Feature] |
PG-2269 | 2022.23 | Web-based Universal Package Editor [2023 Preview Feature] |
PG-2293 | 2022.23 | FIX: License checking on retention policies may result in "not available on ProGet Free" for paid licenses |
PG-2291 | 2022.23 | FIX: Package statistics for Maven downloads may not be recorded |
PG-2290 | 2022.22 | FIX: PyPi Simple Index may return incorrect hrefs [regression from 2022.20] |
PG-2289 | 2022.22 | Improve Dashboard Feed query performance |
PG-2288 | 2022.22 | FIX: Cannot push universal packages without the Feeds_OverwritePackage task |
PG-2287 | 2022.21 | FIX: .snupkg creation may fail with SQL pemission error |
PG-2284 | 2022.21 | FIX: Database command caching may cause Health check to report a healthy database |
PG-2277 | 2022.20 | FIX: Cannot browse/delete assets folders containing a file with an identical name |
PG-2279 | 2022.20 | Update InedoLib to 957.0.3 |
PG-2275 | 2022.20 | FIX: Users should not be able to add a new Built-In user directory |
PG-2286 | 2022.20 | Add additional forwarding url to support npm audit proxying |
PG-2285 | 2022.20 | FIX: Retention rule in edge nodes use only dry run mode |
PG-2280 | 2022.20 | FIX: data-requires is missing from connector packages in PyPI simple API |
PG-2281 | 2022.20 | FIX: Use more aggressive HTML encoding for attributes in simple PyPI API for better parity with |
PG-2283 | 2022.20 | FIX: PyPI dependencies are not being displayed in the UI for some packages |
PG-2282 | 2022.20 | Add support for improved Active Directory integration (v4) [2023 Preview Feature] |
PG-2266 | 2022.20 | Add support for ProGet Vulnerability Central [2023 Preview Feature] |
PG-2278 | 2022.20 | FIX: Conda package requests do not normalize versions |
PG-2268 | 2022.20 | Integrated .snupkg NuGet Symbol Support [2023 Preview feature] |
PG-2276 | 2022.20 | FIX: New Docker replication does not detect remote retags correctly |
PG-2274 | 2022.19 | FIX: Universal package feeds may require Feeds_OverwritePackage when adding a package even if package does not already exist |
PG-2273 | 2022.19 | FIX: Case-insensitive file system wrapper may return false positives for file existence checks on Linux |
PG-2272 | 2022.19 | FIX: Error promoting certain remote PyPi Packages |
PG-2271 | 2022.19 | FIX: Replication configuration can get improperly deleted after certain edits |
PG-2267 | 2022.19 | HTTP/HTTPS Binding Options [2023 Preview Feature] |
PG-2264 | 2022.19 | FIX: Do not consider local delete records when replication is not configured to propagate deletes |
PG-2263 | 2022.18 | FIX: Packages with license urls are not resolved to known licenses by PackageAnalyzer job |
PG-2262 | 2022.18 | FIX: Vulnerability issues are incorrectly being created for project releases that do not use vulnerable packages |
PG-2255 | 2022.18 | Clarify Service Messenger Not Connected Warning on HA Cluster |
PG-2261 | 2022.18 | Aggregate/group SCA Releases in the UI when there are a lot of releases |
PG-2260 | 2022.17 | Upgrade InedoLib to v957.0.1 |
PG-2257 | 2022.17 | FIX: Top 10 largest packages view does not filter on feed ID |
PG-2259 | 2022.17 | Add SSL support for the Integrated Web Server |
PG-2258 | 2022.17 | New Docker feed replication system [preview] |
PG-2256 | 2022.17 | Allow Package Delete on Edge Nodes |
PG-2253 | 2022.17 | Improve performance of helm feeds in UI |
PG-2245 | 2022.16 | FIX: npm replication not always including package tags |
PG-2250 | 2022.16 | FIX: Docker tag replication will not apply tags to duplicated images |
PG-2252 | 2022.16 | FIX: Created_Date is not set on tags when they are specified with an image push |
PG-2254 | 2022.16 | Add PackageInfo, VulnerabilityInfo to SCA API |
PG-2251 | 2022.16 | Upgrade InedoLib to v957.0.0 |
PG-2246 | 2022.15 | FIX: Add the edit npm package tags page back to the UI |
PG-2249 | 2022.15 | FIX: Service arguments from v3 may cause issues on startup |
PG-2248 | 2022.15 | FIX: Spurious exceptions written to log on some successful responses |
PG-2236 | 2022.15 | FIX: Multiple incoming replication configurations do not honor different sync tokens |
PG-2247 | 2022.15 | Upgrade InedoLib to v950.6.9 |
PG-2234 | 2022.14 | FIX: Docker connectors with prefixes do not strip "library/" prefix for images with no namespace |
PG-2232 | 2022.14 | Add additional logging to outgoing (client) replication |
PG-2239 | 2022.14 | FIX: Virtual Packages without virtualPath Specified will error on Metadata page |
PG-2242 | 2022.14 | FIX: Cannot upload packages when the control and/or data files are using zstd compression |
PG-2244 | 2022.14 | FIX: Deleting a specific UPACK version may delete all versions |
PG-2233 | 2022.14 | FIX: Python Source Packages with non-rooted tarballs cannot be uploaded |
PG-2238 | 2022.14 | FIX: Copy Package Instructions button not visible when using light mode |
PG-2237 | 2022.14 | Implement Ruby `/` and `/info/GEM_NAME` endpoints |
PG-2240 | 2022.14 | FIX: Cannot delete Debian packages |
PG-2235 | 2022.14 | Add support for prerelease_specs.4.8.gz in rubygems feeds |
PG-2241 | 2022.14 | FIX: SAML attribute “IssueInstant” should be zulu-format |
PG-2225 | 2022.13 | FIX: Instructions on uploading upack files |
PG-2226 | 2022.13 | FIX: Add integer sorting to Maven version qualifiers |
PG-2228 | 2022.13 | FIX: Docker feed replication reports errors on feeds with foreign image layers |
PG-2224 | 2022.13 | FIX: Error parsing certain gemspecs from connectors |
PG-2230 | 2022.13 | FIX: Pull to PyPi Page may not download correct version |
PG-2229 | 2022.13 | FIX: Creating New Retention Rules for Docker feeds may yield incorrect saved results |
PG-2221 | 2022.12 | FIX: Installation instructions does not expand certain variables |
PG-2214 | 2022.12 | Add add autocomplete drop down for popular Docker registries |
PG-2222 | 2022.12 | FIX: Deadlock errors with multiple/simultaneous image pushes |
PG-2215 | 2022.10 | FIX: Feed Management API shouldn't require API Key to view anonymous feeds |
PG-2212 | 2022.10 | FIX: Upack contentOnly (Download as Zip) handler does not download contents with improper path encodings |
PG-2217 | 2022.10 | Automatically analyze release when SBOM is imported |
PG-2216 | 2022.10 | Add Analyze Release Endpoint and other methods to the SCA API |
PG-2213 | 2022.10 | Add NugetRequestLimit Advanced Setting to help with v2022 upgrade performance |
PG-2218 | 2022.10 | FIX: Replication migration wizard page may crash w/ certain old replication data |
PG-2220 | 2022.10 | FIX: Error with Conda package versions that have leading "0"s |
PG-2211 | 2022.9 | FIX: npm connector shows anonymous authentication when only a password is entered for token authentication |
PG-2210 | 2022.9 | FIX: Some npm remote registries do not return a "time" property in their metadata |
PG-2209 | 2022.9 | FIX: ProGet.Service.exe "install" command may register a .dll instead of an .exe |
PG-2199 | 2022.8 | FIX: Feed Cache not invalidated when changing license rules on license type page |
PG-2198 | 2022.8 | FIX: Edition text in footer may be incorrect depending on license key |
PG-2200 | 2022.8 | FIX: SCA API error when uploading a SBOM with no components |
PG-2201 | 2022.8 | FIX: Replication dashboard may error when a deleted feed isn't removed from cache |
PG-2203 | 2022.8 | FIX: License & Activation Page does not show edge node configuration [Edge Edition] |
PG-2202 | 2022.8 | FIX: Automatic activation on web clusters may incorrectly overwrite activation codes |
PG-2204 | 2022.8 | FIX: Homepage may prompt for license when configured as edge node [Edge Edition] |
PG-2206 | 2022.8 | FIX: Feed management API is missing data for certain Conda and rpm feeds |
PG-2205 | 2022.8 | FIX: Edge node not always passing instance name, category, and sub category during replication [Edge Edition] |
PG-2207 | 2022.8 | FIX: Embedded file licenses for local NuGet packages may result in incorrect API urls |
PG-2208 | 2022.8 | FIX: When using multiple login options, hitting enter on Login Page changes tabs instead of logging in. |
PG-2196 | 6.0.20 | FIX: Conda connector indexing can fail when a package has multiple source_urls |
PG-2191 | 2022.7 | Improvements to simplify white labeling [ISV Edition][Preview Feature] |
PG-2193 | 2022.7 | FIX: Upgrade InedoLib to v950.6.8 |
PG-2195 | 2022.7 | FIX: Conda connector indexing can fail when a package has multiple source_urls |
PG-2194 | 2022.7 | FIX: Error downloading Helm charts with improperly formatted "urls" metadata |
PG-2192 | 2022.6 | FIX: Delete package page does not work in some feed types |
PG-2190 | 2022.6 | FIX: Allow . in legacy NuGet version prerelease field |
PG-2189 | 2022.6 | Optimize log message retention |
PG-2186 | 6.0.19 | FIX: Errors installing NuGet packages with more than ~2bn downloads |
PG-2178 | 6.0.19 | FIX: NuGet packages with 2.1B+ downloads cause parsing error in some searches |
PG-2177 | 2022.5 | FIX: Scoped npm package links are pre-escaped on the list local package pages |
PG-2184 | 2022.5 | FIX: Errors installing NuGet packages with more than ~2bn downloads |
PG-2181 | 2022.5 | Incluse Sonatype (OSSIndex) as a Built-in Extension |
PG-2182 | 2022.5 | Set MaxPoolSize on database connections to use to 1000 by default |
PG-2175 | 2022.5 | Add Tile Layout for Feeds [Preview Feature] |
PG-2174 | 2022.5 | Add Whitelabeling Feature [Preview for ISV Edition] |
PG-2185 | 2022.5 | Update to InedoLib 950.6.7 |
PG-2183 | 2022.5 | FIX: Zero length fields in Maven indexes cause connector indexing jobs to fail |
PG-2180 | 2022.5 | FIX: Notification bar may not display information about updated versions |
PG-2173 | 2022.4 | FIX: Deleted asset directory items cannot be created |
PG-2179 | 2022.4 | FIX: Error adding Maven packages when using AWS storage |
PG-2176 | 2022.4 | FIX: NuGet packages with 2.1B+ downloads cause parsing error in some searches |
PG-2172 | 2022.4 | Add option to ignore invalid helm charts on a connector |
PG-2171 | 2022.3 | Upgrade Inedo.SDK to v2.1.0 |
PG-2170 | 2022.3 | FIX: "from" parameter in npm search API is not always honored |
PG-2168 | 2022.3 | FIX: Upgrading extensions may not take full effect without a service restart in some cases |
PG-2167 | 2022.3 | Upgrade InedoLib to v950.6.6 |
PG-2164 | 2022.3 | FIX: Unknown package feeds in projects and releases result in 'An error occurred while retrieving rows.' error when packages are viewed |
PG-2169 | 2022.3 | FIX: Self-connector NuGet feeds may incorrectly set Listed=false in package catalog (regression from PG-2121) |
PG-2166 | 2022.3 | FIX: Improve Package Not Found error message in Promotion API |
PG-2162 | 2022.2 | Upgrade Inedo.SDK to v2.0.3 |
PG-2161 | 2022.2 | FIX: Excessive database calls when performing API user authentication |
PG-2163 | 2022.2 | FIX: Improve performance of NuGet package queries |
PG-2160 | 2022.2 | FIX: Docker will sometimes fail to find a manifest when pulling an image from a connector |
PG-2159 | 2022.2 | FIX: pdbstr.exe not found errors on Windows |
PG-2157 | 2022.1 | Add Custom Usage instructions for Asset Directories |
PG-2156 | 6.0.18 | FIX: Create External Group is not properly setting Group_Name [6.1 preview] |
PG-2155 | 6.0.18 | FIX: External Users & Groups tab selects wrong user directory [6.1 preview] |
PG-2158 | 2022.0 | ⭐ Major Release ProGet 2022⭐ |
PG-2151 | 6.0.17 | FIX: When using multiple login options, hitting enter on Login Page changes tabs instead of logging in. |
PG-2150 | 6.0.17 | FIX: Conda package promotion may fail for multi-file packages on the Promote Package page |
PG-2153 | 6.0.17 | FIX: Conda packages may not be displayed in combined package lists |
PG-2152 | 6.0.17 | FIX: Error when exporting built-in language |
PG-2148 | 6.0.16 | Hide vulnerabilities page when Web.HideHomePageFromAnonymousUser is configured |
PG-2144 | 6.0.16 | FIX: Maven download counts may not be incremented |
PG-2149 | 6.0.16 | FIX: Filter out summaries with Unicode characters from generated repodata.json files in Conda feeds |
PG-2146 | 6.0.16 | Allow users with Feeds_ManageFeed to view some event logs |
PG-2147 | 6.0.16 | FIX: Case sensitivity in double-encoded path strings for npm path urls (%2F and %2f) |
PG-2145 | 6.0.16 | FIX: Universal Packages with versions 50+ char version numbers may cause error in feed UI |
PG-2140 | 6.0.16 | FIX: Concurrent PUT of manifest may yield database error |
PG-2143 | 6.0.16 | FIX: Username may (still) not be recorded in some cases when publishing packages |
PG-2139 | 6.0.15 | FIX: Cannot Bulk Delete Scoped NPM Packages |
PG-2141 | 6.0.15 | FIX: Assets uploaded in UI are always given a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
PG-2142 | 6.0.15 | FIX: Adding manual Maven vulnerabilities from package page doesn't include the group name |
PG-2138 | 6.0.14 | FIX: Username may not be recrded in some cases when publishing packages |
PG-2134 | 6.0.14 | Display Docker image labels on image metadata page |
PG-2137 | 6.0.14 | Improve error message when failing to load a package on the list packages page |
PG-2133 | 6.0.14 | Add Custom Debug Logging for User Directory 6.1 Preview (6.1 Preview Feature) |
PG-2136 | 6.0.14 | FIX: Conda packages may include `dev_url` as an array or a string |
PG-2135 | 6.0.14 | FIX: Exception adding Python package using the simple upload API |
PG-2132 | 6.0.13 | FIX: Helm feeds can fail to load when a chart has a specified digest |
PG-2130 | 6.0.13 | FIX: Missing "Platform" in Ruby Gems causes package to not load |
PG-2131 | 6.0.13 | FIX: Older ruby gems may fail when pulling through a connector |
PG-2128 | 6.0.12 | FIX: Requests for current_repodata.json are not properly handled in conda feeds |
PG-2126 | 6.0.12 | FIX: Only the Built-In User Directory and Username/Password Login Option can be used in ProGet Fee [6.1 preview] |
PG-2125 | 6.0.12 | FIX: API Keys still allow username/password even though login method is disabled [6.1 preview] |
PG-2123 | 6.0.11 | FIX: Better error message for missing metadata entries in conda packages |
PG-2118 | 6.0.11 | FIX: Do not accept Docker image in replication if any of its layers are missing |
PG-2119 | 6.0.11 | Enhance package dependencies (pgscan) API to allow multiple dependents to be submitted in one request |
PG-2124 | 6.0.11 | Add ability to skip connector health check |
PG-2120 | 6.0.11 | Add Support for Multiple Side-By-Side Login Methods (User name/Password, SAML, and Integrated Windows Authentication) (6.1 Preview Feature) |
PG-2122 | 6.0.11 | FIX: Ruby Gems may fail with a Value cannot be null error when a platform is not specified |
PG-2121 | 6.0.11 | FIX: Connectors to Azure Artifacts will fail when "requireLicenseAcceptance" is not set on the package metadata |
PG-2117 | 6.0.11 | Implement re-index for Docker feeds |
PG-2116 | 6.0.11 | FIX: Remote feed name mapping not being persisted when updating a replication configuration in new replication UI |
PG-2115 | 6.0.11 | FIX: API key authentication does not work with new replication system |
PG-2067 | 6.0.11 | FIX: ProGet returns an HTTP 500 when an anonymous request does not have permission to download an asset |
PG-2114 | 6.0.11 | FIX: Replication status on 6.1 Preview Replication Dashboard may not properly be reported |
PG-2111 | 6.0.10 | Upgrade InedoLib to v950.5.7 |
PG-2102 | 6.0.10 | FIX: Local Package Search should not be case sensitive |
PG-2112 | 6.0.10 | FIX: Previous versions of ruby gems may use latest version download url in web UI |
PG-2110 | 6.0.10 | Added ability to configure instance as an Edge Node (6.1 Preview Feature) |
PG-2103 | 6.0.10 | Added new replication dashboard and configuration (6.1 Preview Feature) |
PG-2108 | 6.0.9 | Redirect to activation page after entering license key |
PG-2104 | 6.0.9 | FIX: API Authentication should look at currently logged-in user when no key is provided |
PG-2107 | 6.0.9 | Add support for ProGet Edge Edition licensing (6.1 Preview Feature) |
PG-2106 | 6.0.9 | Upgrade InedoLib to v950.5.6 |
PG-2109 | 6.0.9 | FIX: NotSupportedException on Linux when receiving an asset uploaded using a chunked transfer encoding |
PG-2101 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Existing vulnerabilities may be auto-assessed |
PG-2099 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Universal Package dependency version range should link to page of highest version in range if possible |
PG-2105 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Cannot upload to a an asset directory path with whitespace on Linux |
PG-2103 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Add support for using X-ProGet-ApiKey header in addition to X-ApiKey |
PG-2100 | 6.0.9 | FIX: List Package Versions should respect "hide prerelease" for displaying license information |
PG-2094 | 6.0.9 | Add "Copy to clipboard" in the usage instructions |
PG-2098 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Upgrade Inedo.UPack to v1.1.1 |
PG-2096 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Personal API keys with LDAP/AD users not always using the cache |
PG-2095 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Make about.json and timestamp in index.json optional in Conda packages |
PG-2093 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Otter Package Usage Scanner May Record Incorrect versions on First Scan |
PG-2090 | 6.0.9 | FIX: Multibutton styles on ProGet 6.1 User Directories pages [v6.1 preview feature] |
PG-2092 | 6.0.8 | Update Inedo.SDK to v1.14.0 |
PG-2091 | 6.0.8 | Update to InedoLib 950.5.5 |
PG-2089 | 6.0.8 | New User Directory support that enables the ability for multiple user directories/domains [v6.1 Preview Feature] |
PG-2082 | 6.0.8 | FIX: Personal API keys with LDAP/AD users should use the LDAP cache |
PG-2088 | 6.0.8 | FIX: Embedded license file links don't lead to file |
PG-2087 | 6.0.8 | FIX: FeedCache is not invalidated on the view feeds page |
PG-2084 | 6.0.8 | Add support for displaying UPack version ranges |
PG-2086 | 6.0.8 | Add additional debugging information to outgoing replication logs |
PG-2085 | 6.0.8 | Add embedded license support for npm packages |
PG-2083 | 6.0.8 | Add Repackaging Support for Python Wheels |
PG-2081 | 6.0.8 | FIX: Kubernetes container usage may display detect containerd-hosted images in on the usage page |
PG-2097 | 6.0.8 | Add "Incoming Replication Connections" to replication dashboard [6.1 Preview Feature] |
PG-2080 | 6.0.7 | FIX: Feed downloader may cause errors if NuGet v2 API is used |
PG-2079 | 6.0.7 | Add Conda feed type |
PG-2078 | 6.0.7 | FIX: Cannot pull images from an Azure Container Registry connector when images do not have a namespace prefix |
PG-2074 | 5.3.44 | FIX: Repackage-to Feed Should use Promote-to Restriction in UI |
PG-2073 | 6.0.6 | Upgrade to InedoLib 950.5.4 |
PG-2075 | 6.0.6 | Add Import/Export Users & Groups support |
PG-2076 | 6.0.6 | Add Import/Export Tasks and Permissions Support |
PG-2077 | 6.0.6 | FIX: Telerik NuGet V3 API causes null reference exception on versions page |
PG-2072 | 6.0.6 | FIX: Repackage-to Feed Should use Promote-to Restriction in UI |
PG-2070 | 6.0.6 | FIX: Python Package Promotion may result in "file is in use" errors [v6 regression] |
PG-2069 | 6.0.6 | Improve error message when decoding invalid Basic credentials |
PG-2068 | 6.0.6 | FIX: If-Modified-Since request header is not processed correctly in Asset content handler in some cases |
PG-2066 | 6.0.5 | Upgrade InedoLib to v950.5.3 |
PG-2063 | 6.0.5 | FIX: Platform is not forwarded to Ruby Gem connectors in legacy gemspec API in some cases |
PG-2064 | 6.0.5 | FIX: OSS Index based Package vulnerabilities may get added multiple times to the database |
PG-2061 | 6.0.5 | FIX: Cannot add a new Kubernetes API Scanner |
PG-2059 | 6.0.5 | FIX: Anonymous Feed API endpoint requests are adding cache headers when there shouldn't be |
PG-2060 | 6.0.5 | FIX: Marshal.dump implementation should only use reference equality when serializing |
PG-2058 | 6.0.5 | FIX: Asset directory queries may timeout with certain datasets |
PG-2065 | 5.3.43 | FIX: Platform is not forwarded to Ruby Gem connectors in legacy gemspec API in some cases |
PG-2062 | 5.3.43 | FIX: Marshal.dump implementation should only use reference equality when serializing |
PG-2057 | 6.0.4 | FIX: Ruby Spec: Empty lines in email cause an error downloading the gemspec |
PG-2049 | 6.0.4 | FIX: Vulnerabilities filters not working as expected when the "any" option is selected for feed type |
PG-2056 | 6.0.4 | FIX: Asset Directories using Cloud Storage cannot upload files |
PG-2053 | 6.0.4 | FIX: ProGet may fail to display overview page for some virtual universal packages |
PG-2024 | 6.0.4 | Improve UI of Delete Package pages |
PG-2055 | 6.0.4 | FIX: Debian package promotion errors with cannot find any packages |
PG-2054 | 6.0.4 | FIX: Resolve Pseudo Keys when X-NUGET-APIKEY header is used |
PG-2022 | 5.3.42 | FIX: Docker Registries with a large amount of vulnerabilities will cause poor performance on the list repositories page |
PG-2045 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Large Docker registries are slow to load and consume large amounts of SQL connections |
PG-2052 | 6.0.3 | FIX: User not found page errors with unauthorized exception |
PG-2037 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Download remote NuGet packages before checking access rules to fix Whitesource extension error |
PG-2047 | 6.0.3 | Add License Type/Rule modification events |
PG-2031 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Docker connectors health check does not work with registries that do not support listing |
PG-2051 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Feed Group based manage feed permissions not resetting when creating a feed |
PG-2038 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Title not displayed for Universal Packages |
PG-2050 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Error page displayed when trying to add/configure a package access rule |
PG-2028 | 6.0.3 | FIX: ProGet will fail to download Docker Vulnerabilities with a null reference exceptions |
PG-2048 | 6.0.3 | Add CVS Score to Vulnerability Database |
PG-2046 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Certain packages will cause vulnerability scanning to fail with a NULL reference exception |
PG-2044 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Enabling High Availability may cause the ProGet Service to not load extensions |
PG-2043 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Promotion API: ToFeed still required when a promote to feed is configured |
PG-2042 | 6.0.3 | FIX: Maven Connector Health Check Error on Linux/.NET5 |
PG-2020 | 5.3.41 | Add Package Description to the Package Overview page |
PG-1997 | 6.0.2 | Add Universal Package Metadata (like 5.2) to the View Package Metadata Page |
PG-2027 | 6.0.2 | Add dependency records for promotion/repack/delete operations |
PG-2025 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Only record pgscan package dependency info if the package is in the feed |
PG-2040 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Upload asset page does not work when uploading to a subdirectory on Linux |
PG-2039 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Service status would show a message about BuildMaster |
PG-2035 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Dark Mode styles not showing properly on Maven Pull to ProGet |
PG-2032 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Empty proxy configuration throws a null error on load |
PG-2034 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Promotion API requiring ToFeed parameter even when Promotion Pipeline is configured |
PG-2033 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Promotion API will fail when using a feed type that does not support repackaging |
PG-2030 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Package file check is incorrect and may cause spurious errors logged for NuGet package downloads |
PG-2029 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Personal API Keys link only shows for administrators |
PG-2026 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Maven metadata for SNAPSHOT versions error when resolved versions lack updated date |
PG-2023 | 6.0.2 | Include inedosql in ProGet.Service |
PG-2014 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Upack feed showing description instead of short description |
PG-2021 | 6.0.2 | Add Package Description to the Package Overview page |
PG-2019 | 6.0.2 | FIX: Docker Registries not displaying feed description in MarkDown |
PG-2018 | 6.0.1 | FIX: Web server configuration not loaded properly in Docker |
PG-2017 | 6.0.1 | FIX: NuGet V2 queries will error with a 401 unauthorized when Anonymous access is enabled for that feed or globally |
PG-2016 | 6.0.1 | FIX: Feed description not processing markdown syntax on list packages page |
PG-2015 | 6.0.1 | Add Paging, Sorting, Filtering, and Bulk edit support to local containers page |
PG-2012 | 6.0.1 | Add "add file" link to web UI for Maven Artifacts |
PG-2011 | 5.3.40 | FIX: Error Promoting/Replicating maven artifacts with non-standard files |
PG-2013 | 6.0.0 | ⭐ Major Release ProGet 6.0⭐ |
PG-2010 | 5.3.39 | FIX: Clair may scan layers multiple times |
PG-1996 | 5.3.39 | Add "Delete all versions" option to Delete Helm Chart page |
PG-2009 | 5.3.39 | FIX: Clair Integration will receive a 404 if the layer does not exist in common blob storage |
PG-2003 | 5.3.38 | Add latest-unstable virtual tag to Docker Feeds |
PG-2007 | 5.3.38 | Add Do Not Download Index support for Maven connectors |
PG-2006 | 5.3.38 | Add NuGetPackagesLibrary Advanced Configuration Setting |
PG-2008 | 5.3.38 | FIX: Clair integration appears to randomly fail when downloading Docker layer blobs |
PG-2005 | 5.3.37 | FIX: POM files downloaded from Maven feeds may be saved with empty contents |
PG-2000 | 5.3.36 | FIX: "Enterprise Only" Message appears on Server Cluster Page even if you have Enterprise Edition |
PG-2004 | 5.3.36 | FIX: POM files from maven connectors may 404 on request (regression from PG-1995) |
PG-2002 | 5.3.36 | FIX: Optimized move is sometimes not performed on local filesystems when it can be |
PG-2001 | 5.3.36 | FIX: Unnecessary additional level of buffering on Docker image layer uploads can cause large uploads to take a long time to complete |
PG-1999 | 5.3.36 | FIX: Dependencies for remote packages on PyPi feeds may not be displayed in UI |
PG-1995 | 5.3.35 | FIX: Potential 500 error when using PUT to maven feeds w/ Amazon S3 |
PG-1998 | 5.3.35 | FIX: Asset API uses incorrect secured tasks for some actions |
PG-1988 | 5.3.34 | FIX: Package Promotion across s3 feeds may yield "HashStream does not support seeking" error |
PG-1987 | 5.3.34 | FIX: $PackageProperty() does not properly return releaseNotes on NuGet packages |
PG-1991 | 5.3.34 | FIX: Filter feeds in Feed Disk Usage on homepage if user doesn't have access to feeds |
PG-1993 | 5.3.34 | FIX: Package History Page - Deployment URL not clickable |
PG-1992 | 5.3.34 | FIX: Put Metadata Request for Maven may fail on Linux |
PG-1989 | 5.3.34 | Ensure current user uses dbo schema when performing database upgrades |
PG-1990 | 5.3.34 | FIX: NuGet v2 connector queries are not getting the $skip and $top values forwarded to them |
PG-1983 | 5.3.33 | Add option to crash service if a replication job gets stuck |
PG-1977 | 5.3.33 | Improve UI for advanced options in connectors |
PG-1986 | 5.3.33 | Improve License Key Expiration Notifications |
PG-1985 | 5.3.33 | FIX: Target virtualFile resource name is truncated on Upack Feeds |
PG-1984 | 5.3.33 | Expose Users_SetPassword in Native API |
PG-1981 | 5.3.32 | FIX: VSIX replication fails when a package does not have four version number components |
PG-1979 | 5.3.32 | Improve restart required UI |
PG-1945 | 5.3.32 | Personal API Keys [v6 Preview Feature] |
PG-1982 | 5.3.32 | FIX: Updating vulnerabilities through the scheduled task caps Package_Versions at 200 instead of 1000 |
PG-1980 | 5.3.32 | FIX: Intermittent errors when using connectors to |
PG-1967 | 5.3.31 | FIX: Allow Connectors to be Edited with Feed-scoped Task |
PG-1968 | 5.3.31 | FIX: Error on "Dependencies" tab of Maven artifact for "parent-managed" dependency versions |
PG-1973 | 5.3.31 | Add UserPassword as option for install script |
PG-1970 | 5.3.31 | FIX: Error during replication ("An item with the same key has already been added.") |
PG-1971 | 5.3.31 | FIX: Connector Package Filters for Pypi not always working |
PG-1972 | 5.3.31 | FIX: Search API has been deprecated from |
PG-1974 | 5.3.31 | FIX: Add connector to feed from Manage Feed prompts to create a connector instead of select existing connector |
PG-1975 | 5.3.31 | FIX: Show Symbols and Files tabs and content for cached connector packages |
PG-1976 | 5.3.31 | Increase efficiency of /health handler |
PG-1978 | 5.3.31 | Cache expensive dashboard queries used on home page |
PG-1958 | 5.3.30 | FIX: Promotion history for an unscoped package shows in both the unscoped and scoped versions of that package |
PG-1962 | 5.3.30 | FIX: Webhook URL being truncated during save |
PG-1963 | 5.3.30 | Update InedoLib to v950.1.9 |
PG-1964 | 5.3.30 | FIX: Allow trailing slash on debian package item names |
PG-1965 | 5.3.30 | FIX: DockerImages_GetImagesFromBlobDigest needs to return the Helm Chart Count |
PG-1966 | 5.3.30 | Add verbose logging mode for feed replication |
PG-1912 | 5.3.29 | FIX: NPM filters not showing a blocked button in the UI when a package is blocked |
PG-1952 | 5.3.29 | Add caching for UserConfig values |
PG-1953 | 5.3.29 | FIX: OSS Index not pulling vulnerabities for Pypi packages |
PG-1954 | 5.3.29 | Add clarification for self-connectors on PyPi feeds |
PG-1955 | 5.3.29 | Add timeout to feed replication task runner |
PG-1956 | 5.3.29 | FIX: Package Consumers Table may get cut off on page |
PG-1957 | 5.3.29 | Add Delete Button to Package Consumer Records |
PG-1959 | 5.3.29 | FIX: Package consumer dependent feed package URL linking to consumed package instead of consumer |
PG-1960 | 5.3.29 | Improve package hashing performance |
PG-1961 | 5.3.29 | Update InedoLib to v950.1.8 |
PG-1933 | 5.3.28 | Add option to ignore invalid API Keys on |
PG-1939 | 5.3.28 | FIX: Docker Image Promotion via API |
PG-1944 | 5.3.28 | FIX: Invalid Legacy NuGet Versions can be added to NuGet Feeds |
PG-1946 | 5.3.28 | Stop logging DockerExceptions that have been reported to the client |
PG-1947 | 5.3.28 | FIX: /health Handler may mistakenly report error on replication status |
PG-1948 | 5.3.28 | FIX: Docker renamed images fail to upload with `TR__DockerImages__ValidateUniqueDigest Image_Digest must be unique across the containing feed` error |
PG-1949 | 5.3.28 | FIX: ContainerConfig blob association may is not preserved in Docker feed replication for some images |
PG-1950 | 5.3.28 | FIX: Do not try to send error back to client if an exception happens after headers have already been written in a Docker API request |
PG-1951 | 5.3.28 | Update InedoLib to v950.1.7 |
PG-1909 | 5.3.27 | Don't log error messages for files |
PG-1932 | 5.3.27 | Workaround for GitHub Packages NuGet v3 API Bug |
PG-1934 | 5.3.27 | Allow asset content type to be specified with the API |
PG-1935 | 5.3.27 | FIX: can't fetch connector packages automatically when requested |
PG-1936 | 5.3.27 | FIX: Expand Webhook URL Length |
PG-1937 | 5.3.27 | FIX: License information should not be shown as Metadata for Helm Charts |
PG-1938 | 5.3.27 | FIX: RPM packages can only download the latest version |
PG-1940 | 5.3.27 | Add additional debug logging to package not found (404) errors |
PG-1941 | 5.3.27 | FIX: Universal Packages throw null reference exception if the manifest is missing a description |
PG-1942 | 5.3.27 | FIX: FeedEndpointHandler may associate incorrect feed with request on very heavy loads |
PG-1943 | 5.3.27 | FIX: Container usage tracking truncating server name is longer than 50 characters, expand to 250 characters |
PG-1905 | 5.3.26 | FIX: Vulnerabilities will show on different feed types when the package name are the same. |
PG-1913 | 5.3.26 | HELM: Pull to ProGet always grabs latest version |
PG-1914 | 5.3.26 | Add .integrity field to npm metadata |
PG-1916 | 5.3.26 | FIX: Handle connector errors and add support to bypass search api |
PG-1921 | 5.3.26 | FIX: InstallPackage method in PyPI feed tries to read the length of the write stream instead of the read stream, causing issues with AWS storage |
PG-1922 | 5.3.26 | Fix: Blocked vulnerability will block all versions even when not associated |
PG-1923 | 5.3.26 | Add IisPort variable to Installation Package Variables |
PG-1925 | 5.3.26 | Add "Do not append library/ prefix for repositories without namespaces" checkbox to Docker connectors |
PG-1927 | 5.3.26 | FIX: Remove YAML Anchors from Helm metadata |
PG-1928 | 5.3.26 | FIX: Scoped NPM packages ignore scope when loading vulnerabilities |
PG-1929 | 5.3.26 | Hide links to old versions of Feed Management and Package pages |
PG-1828 | 5.3.25 | Add tab for view advanced statistics in Docker Images |
PG-1900 | 5.3.25 | Add link to/from Scheduled Jobs from Service Page |
PG-1906 | 5.3.25 | Add NETBIOS Alias verification to Toggle Integrated Authentication Page |
PG-1907 | 5.3.25 | FIX: Manage Detection And Blocking Page throws DeletePackageFilter does not have an AjaxMethod attribute error |
PG-1908 | 5.3.25 | FIX: Settings and User Icons incorrectly sized |
PG-1910 | 5.3.25 | FIX: NuGet v3 Feeds do not apply custom package filters in all cases |
PG-1911 | 5.3.25 | FIX: Manage Feed page won't load when promote to feed has been deleted |
PG-1917 | 5.3.25 | FIX: Create Feed API returning duplicate JSON in response |
PG-1918 | 5.3.25 | FIX: Web cluster node self-registration is happening too frequently |
PG-1919 | 5.3.25 | FIX: Privilege cache can get invalidated on every request in some configurations |
PG-1920 | 5.3.25 | FIX: Toggle integrated authentication page error if LOGON_USER does not have a domain alias |
PG-1901 | 5.3.24 | FIX: Dashboard Feed table shows total number of NPM Versions instead of per feed count |
PG-1902 | 5.3.24 | Upgrade InedoLib to v950.1.6 |
PG-1903 | 5.3.24 | Add npm 7 audit quick and bulk endpoints |
PG-1890 | 5.3.23 | FIX: Connector metadata cache can sometimes persist bad response data |
PG-1893 | 5.3.23 | Add DELETE method for Helm Charts API |
PG-1894 | 5.3.23 | FIX: Packages may be listed on Local Packages page if user isn't authorized to list packages |
PG-1895 | 5.3.23 | FIX: Multi-chunk Docker blob uploads using cloud-hosted storage may not work |
PG-1896 | 5.3.23 | Update InedoLib to v950.1.5 |
PG-1897 | 5.3.23 | Add "upgradedb" command to ProGet Service |
PG-1898 | 5.3.23 | Update Inedo.SDK to v1.11.0 |
PG-1899 | 5.3.23 | FIX: Do not allow common blob storage to be used when using cloud storage for a Docker feed |
PG-1886 | 5.3.22 | FIX: List Versions API of NuGet V3 endpoint should use equivalent V3 API on connectors |
PG-1887 | 5.3.22 | FIX: Minor Asset Directory styling/UX |
PG-1888 | 5.3.22 | FIX: License Key Activation may be cached when changing keys |
PG-1891 | 5.3.22 | Tweaks to SQL Connection sharing |
PG-1892 | 5.3.22 | FIX: SqlExceptions may be raised when processing certain webhooks |
PG-1858 | 5.3.21 | Add Request Key Dialog to ProGet |
PG-1870 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Repository and Tags not checking feed specific permissions |
PG-1871 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Error when NuGet Connector not returning Publish Date |
PG-1872 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Searching for single Docker Repository may return similarly named repository if name matches search parameter |
PG-1873 | 5.3.21 | FIX: YAML parsing error on Helm charts |
PG-1874 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Regression in displaying custom error page |
PG-1875 | 5.3.21 | FIX: error deleting Docker Feed when images are referenced by Helm Charts |
PG-1876 | 5.3.21 | FIX: .NET5/Linux "Multipart body length limit 134217728 exceeded" error |
PG-1877 | 5.3.21 | Do not use a database transaction when performing feed verification |
PG-1878 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Scoped NPM packages with special characters in the Scope prevents NPM API downloads |
PG-1879 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Integrated Auth Debug page does not check current user directory for Users |
PG-1880 | 5.3.21 | Update License Key warnings to show even when OOBE is not running |
PG-1881 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Proper authentication challenge on PyPi Feed may not occur |
PG-1882 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Error handling issues can cause incorrect error codes to be returned and the friendly error page to not be shown |
PG-1883 | 5.3.21 | Update InedoLib to v950.1.3 |
PG-1884 | 5.3.21 | Update Inedo.SDK to v1.10.0 |
PG-1885 | 5.3.21 | FIX: Enable semantic versioning may not be available even on some paid licenses |
PG-1843 | 5.3.20 | FIX: Potential deadlock error when downloading Universal packages |
PG-1864 | 5.3.20 | FIX: PyPi Feed Connector Filtering for may not resolve filters properly |
PG-1865 | 5.3.20 | Don't display license dialog on unsupported package types (e.g. Universal Package) |
PG-1866 | 5.3.20 | Update new Heml Connector to default to the new Helm Hub URL |
PG-1867 | 5.3.20 | FIX: Extensions cannot update when the Den Name differs from the Title |
PG-1868 | 5.3.20 | FIX: .NET 5: NPM Connector encodes scope slashes incorrectly |
PG-1869 | 5.3.20 | FIX: Certain Feed Types may block package lists from showing |
PG-1859 | 5.3.19 | FIX: Database context username not resetting for NuGet feeds when using API Keys with impersonation |
PG-1860 | 5.3.19 | FIX: Generate new DB connection when triggering webhooks |
PG-1861 | 5.3.19 | Update InedoLib to v950.1.1 |
PG-1862 | 5.3.19 | Add SearchQueryService aliases for NuGet Connectors to work with Azure DevOps Packages |
PG-1863 | 5.3.19 | FIX: Feed ListAllVersions and PackagePage are not checking Feed Level permissions |
PG-1847 | 5.3.18 | Add Deprecated ODATA Query Warning for Connectors |
PG-1856 | 5.3.18 | FIX: In High Availability, secondary services throw a null value exception |
PG-1851 | 5.3.17 | FIX: NuGet v3 dependencies with empty ID will throw null exception |
PG-1852 | 5.3.17 | FIX: Could not find part of path when creating the first feed of a Package Type on ProGet Docker |
PG-1853 | 5.3.17 | FIX: Install extension will not install if Name and Title are different |
PG-1854 | 5.3.17 | Add deprecation notice to progetmono |
PG-1855 | 5.3.17 | FIX: Cluster Overview Status shows as unknown when only Load Balancing is configured. |
PG-1846 | 5.3.16 | Feature: ProGet Cluster Overview UI |
PG-1849 | 5.3.16 | FIX: Local packages should be displayed on Free/Open Source feed usage, even with no connectors |
PG-1850 | 5.3.16 | Update release notes field on NuGet package page to preserve line breaks |
PG-1848 | 5.3.15 | FIX: Missing css file causing web app display issues [regression] |
PG-1839 | 5.3.14 | Update InedoLib to 950.0.8 |
PG-1841 | 5.3.14 | Cache license key information in service to reduce "Product activation error" messages |
PG-1842 | 5.3.14 | FIX: Incorrect display logic for symbol server configuration page |
PG-1844 | 5.3.14 | FIX: Connectors on VISX feeds do not list versions or download non-cached package |
PG-1845 | 5.3.14 | Add ability to configure encryption key via environment variable |
PG-1814 | 5.3.13 | FIX: Allow artifact files named -SNAPSHOT to be downloaded if they exist |
PG-1826 | 5.3.13 | FIX: Cannot Promote Pypi package |
PG-1827 | 5.3.13 | FIX: Delete package refreshes the page sometimes causing a 404 error |
PG-1829 | 5.3.13 | Add "Download Contents as Zip" to Multibutton for Universal Packages |
PG-1830 | 5.3.13 | FIX: Package file not found error for NuGet packages with mixed case IDs [linux only, regression] |
PG-1831 | 5.3.13 | FIX: NuGet Package Metadata should return a 404 instead of an empty object |
PG-1832 | 5.3.13 | FIX: Clear cached images failing when blobs are shared with multiple images |
PG-1833 | 5.3.13 | FIX: Docker feed replication may not send container config blobs |
PG-1834 | 5.3.13 | Update InedoLib to v950.0.7 |
PG-1835 | 5.3.13 | FIX: Product activation may fail on .net core |
PG-1838 | 5.3.13 | FIX: NuGet V3 Resources should validate privileges on request |
PG-1810 | 5.3.12 | FIX: Webhooks for Docker may not be triggered |
PG-1817 | 5.3.12 | Add Advanced Setting to wait for webhooks to be dispatched before completing request |
PG-1818 | 5.3.12 | Update InedoLib to v950.0.6 |
PG-1819 | 5.3.12 | FIX: Usage Instructions displaying improperly |
PG-1820 | 5.3.12 | FIX: License detection on Package Overview Page differs from Download blocking |
PG-1821 | 5.3.12 | FIX: Docker Login won't work with an API key that is not using user impersonation |
PG-1822 | 5.3.12 | FIX: Docker Strict Versioning is requiring ProGet Enterprise instead of any paid edition of ProGet |
PG-1823 | 5.3.12 | FIX: Feed management page may display incorrect file system/package store |
PG-1824 | 5.3.12 | FIX: Download link for NuGet packages does not provide correct filename to browsers |
PG-1816 | 5.3.11 | FIX: NuGet push may fail with exception [.net core only] |
PG-1815 | 5.3.11 | Update InedoLib to v950.0.5 |
PG-1811 | 5.3.11 | FIX: Improved support for case-sensitive file systems |
PG-1809 | 5.3.11 | FIX: NuGet v3 API PackageDetailsUriTemplate does not respect the X-Forwarded-* headers |
PG-1808 | 5.3.10 | Add separator on security tasks to improve readability |
PG-1807 | 5.3.10 | FIX: Maven connector filters not being applied on artifact download |
PG-1805 | 5.3.10 | FIX: Possible NullReferenceException on some pages which support localization [mono only] |
PG-1804 | 5.3.10 | FIX: Transmitting NuGet v3 Packages may ignore do-not cache instructions |
PG-1803 | 5.3.10 | FIX: OOBE for Docker when BaseUrl is not set |
PG-1802 | 5.3.10 | Add noscript tag to root page |
PG-1801 | 5.3.10 | FIX: New Create Feed Page can be accessed without Administration_ConfigureProGet |
PG-1800 | 5.3.10 | FIX: NuGet v3 API is missing package registration document |
PG-1798 | 5.3.10 | Expose container vulnerabilities more clearly in the UI |
PG-1799 | 5.3.9 | FIX: Regression on license detection for embedded licenses on NuGet packages |
PG-1797 | 5.3.9 | Fix retention rule error when no consumers or usage exist |
PG-1796 | 5.3.9 | Add support for Localization to ProGet |
PG-1795 | 5.3.9 | Fix package page erroring when the version is omitted |
PG-1794 | 5.3.9 | Make CloseDatabaseConnectionsEarly defaulted to true and remove the checkbox. |
PG-1793 | 5.3.9 | Fix NuGet API not defaulting to latest version when the version is omitted |
PG-1792 | 5.3.9 | Expose API Key methods in the Native API reference |
PG-1791 | 5.3.9 | Fix NPM packages are not deleting in 5.3.8 |
PG-1790 | 5.3.9 | Add support for file-based configuration string (Docker Secrets) |
PG-1789 | 5.3.9 | FIX: Connector filter rules not working on NuGet feeds |
PG-1782 | 5.3.9 | Fix Published Date not updating when overwriting a package on universal feeds |
PG-1778 | 5.3.9 | Fix Debian PGP Keys |
PG-1784 | 5.3.8 | Fix GitLab Registry does not support repository listing. |
PG-1788 | 5.3.8 | FIX: Feed Storage Path not configurable on new Manage Feed Page |
PG-1787 | 5.3.8 | Fix RubyGem fails to download if date does not exist in the gemspec |
PG-1785 | 5.3.8 | Fix Download Statistics Sorting on List Versions Page |
PG-1783 | 5.3.8 | Add CloseDatabaseConnectionsEarly configuration option to debug/diagnose drained database connection pools |
PG-1781 | 5.3.8 | Add package description content to the package overview page |
PG-1780 | 5.3.8 | Add "Tags" to the nuget package view under the Metadata view |
PG-1779 | 5.3.8 | Fix null feed config error on Package promotion API |
PG-1760 | 5.3.8 | Add retention rule for package consumers and package usage |
PG-1777 | 5.3.7 | FIX: Follow NuGet legacy version normalization rules for version comparisons |
PG-1776 | 5.3.7 | Fix Docker registries erroring when pulling from a connector |
PG-1775 | 5.3.7 | FIX: Possible exception when parsing and sorting noncompliant Maven version numbers |
PG-1774 | 5.3.7 | Improve Virtual Pack UI |
PG-1772 | 5.3.7 | Update InedoLib to v950.0.0 |
PG-1766 | 5.3.7 | FIX: Package Statistics on a number of feeds |
PG-1771 | 5.3.7 | Add tzdata to ProGet's docker image |
PG-1770 | 5.3.7 | FIX: Error when trying replicate Helm feed |
PG-1769 | 5.3.7 | FIX Dashboard not showing feeds that do not have a UseCommonBlobStoage configuration value set |
PG-1768 | 5.3.7 | FIX: NuGet feeds display v3 usage even when v3 is disabled |
PG-1767 | 5.3.7 | FIX: Remove "NPM Registry FullNpmConnectorIndex" |
PG-1765 | 5.3.7 | FIX Package Access Rules & Package Filtering missing on Manage Feed Page |
PG-1759 | 5.3.7 | Minor Package Consumers UX fixes |
PG-1752 | 5.3.7 | Feature: Improve error handling on Docker connector |
PG-1751 | 5.3.7 | Fix: Handle Helm Charts that are Linked To Docker Images on Retention Cleanup |
PG-1749 | 5.3.7 | Minor vulnerability/assessment UX improvements |
PG-1773 | 5.2.32 | FIX: Possible exception when parsing and sorting noncompliant Maven version numbers |
PG-1763 | 5.2.32 | FIX: Error when trying replicate Helm feed |
PG-1754 | 5.2.32 | FIX: Error when trying to replicate PyPI feed |
PG-1764 | 5.3.6 | FIX New Extension Loader does not work on Linux |
PG-1762 | 5.3.6 | FIX: Add a failsafe to close database connections on request completion |
PG-1761 | 5.3.6 | FIX: Remote icon not loading in all versions page |
PG-1758 | 5.3.6 | FIX scope for VulnerabilityDownloader Scheduled Job |
PG-1757 | 5.3.6 | Add support for container registry |
PG-1756 | 5.3.6 | FIX: Error when trying to replicate PyPI feed |
PG-1753 | 5.3.6 | Add explicit option to use Basic or Bearer option on NpmConnectors |
PG-1750 | 5.3.6 | FIX: SQL Script Syntax Error in SQL Server 2012 |
PG-1748 | 5.3.6 | FIX: Displayed feed API endpoint URL does not include port number if base URL is inferred from request |
PG-1747 | 5.3.6 | Improve visibility of blocked downloads |
PG-1736 | 5.3.6 | Return friendlier error message when wrong URL is used for NuGet client |
PG-1731 | 5.3.6 | Feature: Add file tree to back to the File tab on the Package Version page |
PG-1724 | 5.3.6 | FIX: Docker Feed size does not match size on disk |
PG-1673 | 5.3.6 | Search npm tags/keywords in local packages |
PG-1746 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Recent Packages for Docker has Wrong Link |
PG-1745 | 5.3.5 | Scoped NPM Packages dont have the scope in the install help |
PG-1744 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Promote Docker Tag when Repository already exists |
PG-1739 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Hide Out of box experience on upgrades |
PG-1743 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Error upgrading when using SQL Server 2012 |
PG-1743 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Error upgrading when using SQL Server 2012 |
PG-1742 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Repackaging history is not being displayed in some cases |
PG-1742 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Repackaging history is not being displayed in some cases |
PG-1741 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Feeds on list feeds page should be sorted by name |
PG-1741 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Feeds on list feeds page should be sorted by name |
PG-1740 | 5.3.5 | FIX: Debian package downloads do not return any content [linux only] |
PG-1738 | 5.3.5 | Clarify "License Detection and Blocking" copy |
PG-1730 | 5.3.5 | Fix: Change Docker Retention to be based on Image Download Date instead of latest Layer Download Date |
PG-1712 | 5.3.5 | Feature: Improve the Package List Versions page |
PG-1737 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Max count is not always respected on list packages page |
PG-1737 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Max count is not always respected on list packages page |
PG-1735 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Exceptions when managing or creating asset directories |
PG-1734 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Pulling a cached universal package does not update the package's latest version correctly |
PG-1733 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Associated feed loosing value during editing connector details |
PG-1732 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Docker Image Promotion |
PG-1729 | 5.3.4 | FIX: High memory usage when a Pypi feed connector performs a health check |
PG-1728 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Vulnerability Scanning Creates Duplicates When a Version is Modified |
PG-1727 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Editing custom tasks cause all checkboxes of a category to be selected |
PG-1725 | 5.3.4 | FIX: Docker replication does not work |
PG-1718 | 5.3.4 | Add warning if database version is not same as application version |
PG-1726 | 5.3.3 | FIX: List Packages Page may display error when package has vulnerability |
PG-1723 | 5.3.3 | FIX: Upgrade error when trying to delete anonymous user |
PG-1722 | 5.3.3 | FIX: Exception viewing Bower packages |
PG-1721 | 5.3.3 | FIX: Possible exception viewing Helm package |
PG-1720 | 5.3.3 | FIX: Group name not showing on the List Packages page |
PG-1714 | 5.3.3 | Add friendlier URLs for package detail/overview pages |
PG-1708 | 5.3.3 | Remove manual vulnerability sources |
PG-1713 | 5.2.31 | FIX: Can't create variables in Feed Management API |
PG-1704 | 5.2.31 | FIX: PiPy API Endpoint should have `/simple` |
PG-1703 | 5.2.31 | FIX: Deleting Unlisted NuGet package may yield an orphaned package record in database |
PG-1702 | 5.2.31 | Add support for ProGet PyPI: PEP-0503 data-requires-python attribute [5.3] |
PG-1701 | 5.2.31 | FIX: virtualFile objects in Universal Packages may give "end of central directory" error when downloading |
PG-1700 | 5.2.31 | Add warning about Legacy NuGet API Key Usage on Manage Feed Page |
PG-1699 | 5.2.31 | Add ProGet 5.3 Upgrade Warning on Homepage |
PG-1719 | 5.3.2 | FIX: Add package button in Multi Button on List Packages page should use the Task Publish |
PG-1716 | 5.3.2 | FIX: InedoLib.DbConnectionString connection string override in web.config is not being respected [regression] |
PG-1715 | 5.3.2 | FIX: Universal feed connectors not returning any results [regression] |
PG-1707 | 5.3.2 | Add group name to PackageScanners |
PG-1705 | 5.3.2 | FIX: Package Deployment API should use Impersonation Pattern |
PG-1711 | 5.3.1 | FIX: NuGet v3 search handler may sometimes return unlisted versions of a package in results |
PG-1710 | 5.3.1 | FIX: Creating images on Docker uses the wrong Id |
PG-1709 | 5.3.1 | FIX: Error running DockerFeedCleanupTask |
PG-1706 | 5.3.0 | NOTE: 5.3.0 is a major release (see details at |
PG-1698 | 5.2.30 | FIX: Preview files giving cannot preview binary files incorrectly |
PG-1696 | 5.2.30 | Add PackageDependents_GetPackageDependents to Native API |
PG-1695 | 5.2.30 | FIX: PyPI feed connector errors when accessing feed with relative package download URLs |
PG-1692 | 5.2.29 | FIX: ConnectionString embedded in Linux release may be incorrect |
PG-1690 | 5.2.28 | FIX: Error saving retention policies for asset directories |
PG-1686 | 5.2.28 | Add support for shortDescription on Universal Packages |
PG-1685 | 5.2.28 | Change Unique Constraint on PackageDependents Table |
PG-1684 | 5.2.28 | FIX: Deletion of certain docker images fail |
PG-1683 | 5.2.28 | Limit drop path monitor batches to 1000 |
PG-1680 | 5.2.27 | FIX: Package Dependents semver verification error |
PG-1678 | 5.2.27 | FIX: PyPi packages uploaded to ProGet show up as highest version on feed UI page |
PG-1677 | 5.2.27 | FIX: PyPi package warnings (Unable to open file... DirectoryNotFoundException) |
PG-1676 | 5.2.27 | (linux only) FIX: FormatException when using Docker API anonymously |
PG-1671 | 5.2.27 | FIX: "Run only when a size is exceeded" retention rule deletes only the specified amount of packages, instead of until feed is specified size |
PG-1670 | 5.2.27 | Verify feed page UI tweaks |
PG-1672 | 5.2.26 | Allow packages with unspecified licenses to be associated with a license code |
PG-1666 | 5.2.26 | Add Deployment Record API Endpoint |
PG-1669 | 5.2.25 | FIX: Docker authentication fails for anonymous user |
PG-1667 | 5.2.25 | Replace inline upgrade release notes with information link |
PG-1665 | 5.2.25 | FIX: Local/UTC time mismatch in maven-metadata.xml |
PG-1661 | 5.2.25 | FIX: Download Metadata doesn't work for virtual packages |
PG-1659 | 5.2.25 | FIX: Non-semver2 package versions with build metadata are not redirected properly to the Package Details page |
PG-1657 | 5.2.25 | Add support for Helm Chart v2 format (Helm 3) |
PG-1664 | 5.2.24 | FIX: Return "no user" instead of throwing a NotSupportedException for external (e.g. SAML) directories |
PG-1663 | 5.2.24 | FIX: Incompatible extension versions are being offered as updates |
PG-1662 | 5.2.24 | FIX: Package Filters not being applied to universal feeds |
PG-1660 | 5.2.24 | Add PackageReference to installation instructions |
PG-1656 | 5.2.24 | FIX: NuGetPackageLicense and NuGetRepository are not properly displayed in ODATA feed |
PG-1653 | 5.2.24 | Improve Virtual Package UX |
PG-1658 | 5.2.23 | FIX: Use X-Forwarded-For header when recording package statistics if available |
PG-1655 | 5.2.23 | FIX: Allow build metadata in non-semver2 NuGet package versions |
PG-1634 | 5.2.23 | Add validation on Upload, Pull pages on NuGet feeds |
PG-1631 | 5.2.23 | Add support for retrieving plugins metadata from connector |
PG-1652 | 5.2.22 | Add Dependent_Feed_Id to Package Dependents, other minor changes [Experimental] |
PG-1654 | 5.2.22 | Allow deletion of "Anonymous" user |
PG-1651 | 5.2.22 | FIX: ProGet misdetects some Docker auth token requests as anonymous. |
PG-1650 | 5.2.21 | FIX: Docker API treats /v2/ endpoint differently than other endpoints for HTTP Basic authentication |
PG-1649 | 5.2.21 | Add SQL2005 Crash Script |
PG-1648 | 5.2.21 | FIX: Connectors may instantly timeout if value is not explicitly set (LINUX) |
PG-1647 | 5.2.21 | Add note to clarify that connector filters should be kept small for performance |
PG-1646 | 5.2.21 | FIX: Maven snapshot and snapshotVersion written with different timezones |
PG-1645 | 5.2.21 | FIX: Uploading packages with _ in name generates invalid links in simple endpoint |
PG-1644 | 5.2.20 | Linux: Add deprecation warning for PostgresSQL |
PG-1642 | 5.2.20 | FIX: Regression in Postgres SQL Docker causing feed management api error |
PG-1638 | 5.2.20 | Add Diagnostics.FeedErrorLogging advanced configuration option |
PG-1641 | 5.2.20 | FIX: Debian feed endpoints only list the latest version of each package |
PG-1639 | 5.2.20 | FIX: (Linux only) "Stream was closed" error in Feed Management API |
PG-1632 | 5.2.20 | Add support for DELETE BLOB docker HTTP API |
PG-1624 | 5.2.20 | Add ability to promote during a repackage |
PG-1611 | 5.2.20 | BETA: SAML SSO integration |
PG-1640 | 5.2.19 | FIX: Ignore bad lines in PKG-INFO for PiPy packages instead of erroring |
PG-1637 | 5.2.19 | Upgrade Inedo.SDK from v1.2.1 to v1.6.1 |
PG-1636 | 5.2.19 | FIX: Feed Management API update logic forces connectors to supply extraneous data |
PG-1635 | 5.2.19 | FIX: * notation in service messenger config sometimes resolves to wrong service node |
PG-1633 | 5.2.19 | Clarify behavior of Strip Symbols Checkbox in UI |
PG-1626 | 5.2.19 | Add alternate name for feeds |
PG-1623 | 5.2.19 | Add note to statistics and all-versions page when download counts differ |
PG-1621 | 5.2.19 | FIX: Docker registry events may not be logged on push/create of container images |
PG-1618 | 5.2.19 | FIX: Vulnerability range parsing may associate vulnerabilities with wrong versions |
PG-1630 | 5.2.18 | FIX: PackageDependents SQL script should not require SQL Server 2014 |
PG-1629 | 5.2.17 | FIX: NuGet feeds are not browsable if Web.BaseUrl is not set [regression] |
PG-1628 | 5.2.17 | FIX: Viewing containers on docker feed may raise error in UI |
PG-1627 | 5.2.16 | Remove "The Web.BaseUrl property is not currently set" Warning |
PG-1620 | 5.2.16 | FIX: Manage feed page allows renaming to include restricted characters |
PG-1625 | 5.2.15 | Add unassessed vulnerability policy settings |
PG-1622 | 5.2.15 | FIX: Feed management API broken for NuGet feeds when no additional metadata is supplied |
PG-1619 | 5.2.15 | Add option to download vulnerabilities on demand for a single package |
PG-1617 | 5.2.15 | FIX: package page not loading when a NuGet package has an embedded icon and Web.BaseUrl is not set |
PG-1607 | 5.2.15 | FIX: Docker blob uploads report off-by-one size |
PG-1596 | 5.2.15 | FIX: Debian Release files list hashes in the wrong field order |
PG-1595 | 5.2.15 | Add experimental Package Dependents feature |
PG-1616 | 5.2.14 | Improve error message when uploading PyPi package to WebUI |
PG-1615 | 5.2.14 | FIX: Error processing native PDB files in symbol server requests [regression] |
PG-1614 | 5.2.14 | FIX: Exception during initialization when using SQL Server on Linux [regression] |
PG-1613 | 5.2.14 | FIX: Invalid feed replication configuration causes feed to not be editable |
PG-1608 | 5.2.14 | FIX: Automatic activation (and other third-party services) fail due to site migration |
PG-1604 | 5.2.14 | FIX: Generic “error” JavaScript alert when saving Advanced Settings page |
PG-1600 | 5.2.14 | FIX: Vulnerabilities helper text is broken if no vulnerability downloads have occurred yet |
PG-1597 | 5.2.14 | FIX: Asset Directory API not handling API key user permissions correctly |
PG-1591 | 5.2.14 | FIX: NuGet web UI does not find manually-entered semantic versions containing build metadata |
PG-1560 | 5.2.14 | File Browsing For NPM |
PG-1606 | 5.2.13 | Update Inedo.ServiceMessaging from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 |
PG-1605 | 5.2.13 | FIX: When the Active Directory user directory is enabled, logging in using an invalid domain name generates a yellow screen |
PG-1603 | 5.2.13 | FIX: Docker search should indicate that the _catalog endpoint doesn't exist |
PG-1602 | 5.2.13 | FIX: Custom configuration for the service messenger generates periodic errors |
PG-1599 | 5.2.13 | FIX: Improve error message for attempting to download a virtual package that has a source package that cannot be found |
PG-1598 | 5.2.13 | FIX: Importing another package to root using metaContents value in a virtual package generates an invalid package with multiple upack.json entries |
PG-1594 | 5.2.13 | FIX: Feed Management API fails to handle feed type codes correctly |
PG-1593 | 5.2.12 | FIX: NPM package download endpoint requires full version number, even for SemVer2 |
PG-1592 | 5.2.12 | Add service AppDomain isolation and soft restart support |
PG-1590 | 5.2.12 | FIX: New feed replication executions should not start while one is already running for a feed [regression] |
PG-1589 | 5.2.12 | Update InedoLib from v538.0.0 to v540.0.0 |
PG-1579 | 5.2.12 | FIX: Docker blobs use a generic MIME type |
PG-1578 | 5.2.12 | FIX: Docker manifests are not deleted during feed cleanup |
PG-1555 | 5.2.11 | Proxy npm audit requests to (experimental) |
PG-1586 | 5.2.11 | PyPi: Allow .zip source code distributions in addition to .tar.gz |
PG-1587 | 5.2.11 | FIX: NuGet package downloads may fail when removing a package signature |
PG-1585 | 5.2.11 | Add Feed Metadata and Download Virtual Package Endpoints to Universal Feeds |
PG-1584 | 5.2.11 | FIX: Universal feed version endpoint doesn't resolve embedded icon URLs |
PG-1583 | 5.2.10 | FIX: Clearing Maven feed cache fails if multiple versions of a package are cached and none are local |
PG-1582 | 5.2.10 | FIX (regression): Maven metadata is inaccessible |
PG-1549 | 5.2.10 | FIX: NuGetPackagesV2_SetListed api endpoint should be public |
PG-1581 | 5.2.9 | FIX: All connectors are not considered when determining the latest version of a PyPI package |
PG-1580 | 5.2.9 | Add health check and version information endpoint at /health |
PG-1577 | 5.2.9 | FIX: IIS replaces ProGet error responses, causing invalid responses to be returned to various feed clients |
PG-1576 | 5.2.9 | FIX: Unable to upload helm chart |
PG-1575 | 5.2.9 | FIX: Publish with cURL for PyPi packages goes to wrong page. |
PG-1574 | 5.2.9 | FIX: Improve error handling in repackaging API |
PG-1565 | 5.2.9 | FIX: Semantic version numbers of remote (uncached) packages with build metadata can be inaccessible depending on proxy setup |
PG-1556 | 5.2.9 | Render feed descriptions as Markdown |
PG-1546 | 5.2.9 | FIX: Docker API does not return a Content-Length for HEAD requests to blobs |
PG-1540 | 5.2.9 | Omit/Fix sections on the package version overview page that do not coincide with Docker specific feeds. |
PG-1336 | 5.2.9 | FIX: Package statistics not recorded in certain cases |
PG-1573 | 5.2.8 | FIX: PyPi package name changed when pulling to ProGet |
PG-1566 | 5.2.8 | FIX: PyPi feed added to Packages_GetPackages |
PG-1572 | 5.2.8 | FIX: local Python packages can return "not found" if connectors are in use and no connector has the package |
PG-1571 | 5.2.8 | FIX: Pypi connectors normalize version numbers, making some remote packages undownloadable |
PG-1570 | 5.2.8 | Add warning message if TCP-based service messenger is not configured in LB/HA modes |
PG-1569 | 5.2.8 | Improve load time of the ProGet home page |
PG-1567 | 5.2.8 | Default to Markdown rendering for PyPi packages unless explicitly set to text/plain |
PG-1564 | 5.2.8 | Add a note about Portable PDB files not supporting embedded source debugging |
PG-1559 | 5.2.8 | Add option to strip signature file from NuGet packages |
PG-1557 | 5.2.8 | Update all external links to have proper utm_source |
PG-1526 | 5.2.8 | FIX: Cannot configure manual proxy settings |
PG-1452 | 5.2.8 | Display a notice that the Docker container will need to be restarted after installing an extension |